
Peek-a-Boo!: Previewing Assignments to Set Up Student Success

Submitted by Erin Blomstrand on

Helping students find success is the goal of teaching. By adding a short preview assignment allowing students to focus on upcoming larger essay assignments in Canvas, they learn the importance of taking the time to review assignment instructions before starting in, they think about what they're being asked to do, what challenges they might face while working on the asisgnment, what resources they can access for help, and ask specific questions of their instructor. Instructors can immediately respond and clarify or realign student preceptions setting students up for success.

Channeling My Inner Carl Sagan; Developing Supplemental Videos as OER

Submitted by Jarod Raithel on

Having now completed 3 semesters teaching BIO 182 - General Biology II for Science Majors, the area consistiently identified by student surveys as in need of improvement is the "Quality of the Textbook."  The book is expensive (>$100), and yet, I have observed that many/ most students do not read the supplemental chapters that align with lectures / activities / labs unless I assign end-of-chapter comprehension questions.  Following being awarded a FRACTYL grant last spring, I have been developing an OER, consisting of a series of engaging, supplemental videos that focus on case

What about my goals? Using an individualized course evaluation to assess meta-goals.

Submitted by Christina Van on

When teaching Abnormal Psychology I have a number of student outcomes beyond course competencies:  Critical thinking about mental health and mental illness, paradigm shifting, and reducing or eliminating mental health stigma.  I use an extremely high contact and time intensive teaching style in this online class to attempt to achieve these outcomes.

Using failure to learn

Submitted by Christina Van on

I planned an intervention to increase retention of online introductory students by making telephone contact with them early in the semester. The intervention did not go as planned as it was far more time-consuming than expected and I was unable to leave voicemail messages for a variety of reasons on a number of student provided cell phones.  Students were aware of this planned intervention and have provided information to me during the first week of class about how to contact them and best times.

The Joys of Double-Secret Extra Credit Opportunities

Submitted by Susan Malmo on

In order to encourage my online students to read the comments I leave for them in Canvas, I developed the "Doube-Secret Extra Credit Opportunity" that rewards them for seeing instructions that I leave in a comment in Canvas. (Sadly, none of my students seemed to get the 'double-secret' reference; they mostly called it Super Secret or Secret -- sigh! I guess I'm officaly old if no one remembers Animal House anymore!) The results were amazing; it really got my students talking to me about what they liked and what they were interested in as it relates to the courses

Will a peer sample motivate growth? RESULTS

Submitted by Christina Van on

This semester I am provided a sample of a successful paper submitted by a 1st year student last semester to test the idea that identifying a peer who succeeded with similar challenges will provoke greater effort and ultimately greater success. For the full background on this CATS please see "Will Providing a Peer Sample Motivate Growth?"

YouTube It: Utilizing Student YouTube Accounts to Address Video Submission Tech Issues In Online and Hybrid Courses

Submitted by Heather Muns on

In the Fall of 2016, I decided to convert some of the many writing assignments in my online and hybrid CRE101 course to video submissions rather than written submissions.  Unfortunately, at the time, the recording tool in Canvas was unpredictable and made it very difficult for many students to successfully submit their video submissions.  Submitting by attaching video files was also problematic due to the increased time it took for the students to upload the files and the time for me to download them to grade.  It was so problematic that many students either contacted me abou

CPD150 Critical Inquiry in Career Development

Submitted by Jason Martinez on

The Counseling Division wanted to determine the effectiveness of the CPD150 Career Unit which includes a Career Interest Assessment, Career Research, and Career Planning. In effort to measure the Career Units effectiveness on student learning we created a 5 item Pre/Post Assessment that is modeled after the Critical Inquiry Rubric. The Pre Assessment was administered in the beginning of the Fall 2017 semester with 741 responses and the Post Assessment was administered in November of 2017.

How increased utilization of student paced Adaptive Learning improved course outcomes

Submitted by Amber Chapman on

One of the biggest challenges for nursing students is to acclimate to the world of the nursing school exam.  Gone are the days of one right answer, the nursing student must learn how to prioritize several correct answers to determine which is the "most" correct. During the Spring 2017, utilization of the Adaptive Quizzing/Learning Resources was highly encouraged but not attached to course points.  In Fall of 2017, the Adaptive Learning activities were attached to 39 of the 600 total course points, leading to a 206% increase in student utilization.

Will a peer sample motivate growth?

Submitted by Christina Van on

In the 3rd week of PSY 101 students have to complete an assignment critical to college success (locating a research article in an academic journal on a specific topic and providing a summary, APA style reference, & informed opinion).  Recognizing that this task is usually just beyond the students' current abilities, I use extensive scaffolding to support their acquisition of these important skills. Nonetheless, grades on this assignment remain low and approximately 60 % of students are unable to successfully complete the full task.

If Men Could Menstruate: It's All in the Directions in the Assignment

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

Sociology courses have topics that are taboo, disturbing, offensive and controversial. SOC 212 (Gender and Society) students read "If Men Could Menstruate" by Gloria Steinem. Students tend to get defensive and miss the important point on power in society. On average 50% of the students would be defensive in the discussion responses and miss the importance of the article. I decided to rewrite the directions for the assignment so that students would focus on critically thinking as sociologists.

Piloting an Online Tutorial: Moving Towards Intervention

Submitted by Elisabeth Rodriguez on

The EMCC Gen. Ed. abilities assessment cycle is a three years cycle. Prior to assessment there is never a guarantee that students have had formal instruction aligned to the abilities being assessed. Seeing an opportunity to test out an intervention tool in the form of an online tutorial, a pilot was conducted with two classes, ENG102 and ECN211. The tutorial was designed to align with the Information Literacy EMCC Gen. Ed. Abilities. The driving research question was: Can an intervention be created to support the teaching of EMCC Gen. Ed. IL Abilities for Information Literacy?

Utilizing Canvas Outside of the Classroom

Submitted by Jake Ormond on

Participants registered and attended the face-to-face workshop that was presented using Canvas. Individuals registered for the course using a provided link. Participants completed a pre-assessment to measure their understanding of utilizing Canvas outside of the classroom according to the learning objectives. After the pre-assessment the workshop included topics on the purposes of using a LMS (according to eLearning Industry), connecting benefits of a LMS to out-of-class activities, and discussing how EMCC can move forward with these ideas in mind.

I want to go green, but will it bring down my mean? Examining differences in mean scores using paper vs. electronic quizzes in statistics courses

Submitted by Erica Wager on

Is there really a need to kill another tree if CANVAS provides a medium for quizzes? In a quasi-experimental design, introductory stats students across two semesters (SP and FA ‘16) with two different instructors self-reported the number of hours spent studying for a common cumulative quiz. One group used e-quizzes, the second used paper quizzes. Results are as follows: