February 2013

CIS 105: Exam Assessment

Submitted by Meha Trivedi on

In CIS105, we offer common exams across all sections.   This assessment involves 5 chapters from the book. The teaching styles include:  class activities, lectures, reading assignments, videos, pre-quiz review in the classroom. The student is asked to take an open-book, multiple-choice, true-false quiz per chapter.   At the end of those 5 chapters, there is a combined multiple-choice, true-false Unit Test.

Integration in Calculus II

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

While success rates are high in my calculus II courses (85-95%, depending on the semester), students struggle with integrating.  In spring 2008, students were required to write "recipe cards" on integration techniques for trigonometric substitution and integrals involving trignometry.  The average on the quiz was a 75%.  Students presented their steps to the class and worked on these recipes as a group days before the quiz.  In spring 2010, 2011, and 2012, I did not require students to create these cards; I highly recommended them, though.

Introducing design concepts with Adobe Illustrator tools

Submitted by Vesna Dragojlov on

The students in my introductory Illustrator class often struggle with basic design elements when they work on their projects, such as the overall composition, negative space, color spaces and the placement of text. The 3-part poster project gave them the opportunity to not only explore their creative talents but also think of a meaningful design output that conveys a strong and clear message to the audience, using all the technical skills they learned in the course of the semester: