Face to Face
Alternative Grading in the Chemistry Classroom
Traditional classroom level assessments does not always perform the way instructors intend it to, as it is highly subjective and internalize instructor biases. Traditional grading systems pit students and instructors against each other by making grades a commodity that students must negotiate with the instructor, instead of building trusting relationships that allow for students to learn from their mistakes, take risks, and be creative.
23-24 A Year Without Embedded Tutors: Looking Back at ET Success from Fall 2022
The ET (embedded tutoring) program was not sustained after the 22-23 academic school year. Student surveys from Spring 22 report 62% of respondents say having an embedded tutor helped them feel comfortable asking for help; 60% of respondents report having an embedded tutor deepened their understanding of course topics and concepts; 49% of respondents report the embedded tutor improved their critical thinking skills.
Life Sciences PLO assessment #2
The entire Life Sciences FT faculty and the LS Administrative Specialist Sr, Lynn Abrams Comtois contributed to this CATS. (Not all names were available to be selected and added in the section below).
Using Desmos to Support the Chain Rule
When finding derivatives using the chain rule, a common student error is to "forget the chain". By visually confirming the derivative equation they calculated matches the derivative graph generated by Desmos, students can confirm correct rule choice and correct application of rules. If the graphs don't match, students can then make small changes to their equation until the derivatives match.
Anatomy of a Superhero
I created a series of discussion assignments for my BIO201 courses titled Anatomy of a Superhero for the purpose of prompting students to think about human anatomy and physiology from a different perspective and to help reinforce the principles of normal human anatomy and physiology.
SAC Lunch and Learn: Reflecting on Student Learning
To improve student learning reflections through CATS and Program Review (Assessment Plan).
4DX: A Glance at the Math Division WIG
In conjunction with the 4DX campus initiative and the EMCC Super Goal #1, the math division developed the following WIG: To contribute to closing the equity gap and improving a student’s sense of belonging, the Mathematics Division will increase the student’s response average on the twenty questions of the Classroom Community Survey (Rovai, 2002) from a 2.2 to 2.5 by December 2021. Residential faculty reported what types of activities/practices were implemented in their classes to increase a student's sense of belonging. Students reported an average
Life Sciences Assessment: Moving to PLO assessment
In AY19/20 Jeff Miller created a Life Sciences Assessment tool that uses 24 questions to measure understanding of general biology concepts along with critical thinking, reading comprehension and data analysis skills in a biological context. The tool was used in multiple BIO course sections primarily taught by FT faculty and a CATS by Shannon Manuelito (Aug.
Economics Writing Assessment
The ECN faculty were interested in assessing our students' writing skills as we assign reserach papers to them each semester using the standard writing rubric. Students' essays were collected at the end of the fall 2020 semester for analysis in spring 2021. This began with an inter-rater reliability study to normalize our responses, followed by assessing for baseline data.
It's in the Syllabus
This syllabus research project is an example of assessing learning practices to enhance learning environments at the classroom, program, and college level. I learned from student success literature that often, underrepresented students will not ask for exceptions to syllabus policies while their counterparts will, thus creating unintentional equity gaps with class syllabus policies. I studied various course syllabi from EMCC classes to see how my policies compare. I then surveyed EMCC faculty and students about the course syllabus.
Using Discussion Protocols to Actively Engage Students in Collaborative Learning in Live Online Classes
Using discussion protocols in a live online learning format promotes independent student collaboration and engagement in group discussions through quality instruction and student support. In conjunction with the use of Google documents and live online breakout rooms (Zoom, Webex, or Google Meets), protocols drive independent student discussion and collaboration using a set of guidelines that include student roles and responsibilities. Discussion protocols also allow for fostering student-to-student relationships and for providing immediate real-time feedback by faculty.
Changing the learning modality in a BIO205 hybrid class: lessons learned
Hypothesis: Learning modality change is related to a decline in student success as measured by scores for BIO205 prerequisite gene expression knowledge.
Recipe cards vs. No recipe cards in Calc II
This assessment assesses the CLO of "Students will pick the most appropriate tool/technique to solving a problem" as well as the ILO of written communication.