Incorporating Technology or new technologies

Laptop Checkout and Student Success

Submitted by Chad Galligan on

The necessity for the laptop checkout program became evident in the academic year 2019-2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic and students were required to complete the Spring 2020 semester online. The laptop checkout process was identified as a need by students who did not have the proper equipment to complete a course(s). The results indicated that the course completion rate of students who checked out a laptop is consistently close to students who did not check out a laptop.

Using AI for Goal Setting to Enhance Student Success in FYE101

Submitted by Jake Ormond on

This assessment aimed to evaluate how artificial intelligence (AI) impacts student learning by enhancing their ability to craft specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Students in FYE101 often struggle with creating SMART goals, and this course assignment had students use AI to support the refinement of their drafted goals. Students were tasked with developing an academic SMART goal, engaging with an AI tool of their choice to improve it, and reflecting on their experiences with these tools.

Impact Assessment of an activity on AI Tools Utilization Among CHM151 Students

Submitted by Allen Reyes on

This study assesses the impact of an educational activity designed to enhance AI tool utilization among CHM151 students, with a focus on promoting ethical, effective use in academic work. Delivered as an in-class Canvas module, the activity aimed to educate students on AI operation, benefits, risks, and practical applications. The module also sought to improve students’ ability to identify inaccurate AI outputs and foster creative, responsible AI applications.

Café Mariposa

Submitted by Cecilia Rosales on

Café Mariposa is an open pedagogy and experiential learning project. Students engage with the content and the campus community in a relaxed atmosphere where they can build Spanish vocabulary, and hone listening and interpersonal communication skills.

Using Desmos to Support the Chain Rule

Submitted by Sara Meana on

When finding derivatives using the chain rule, a common student error is to "forget the chain".  By visually confirming the derivative equation they calculated matches the derivative graph generated by Desmos, students can confirm correct rule choice and correct application of rules.  If the graphs don't match, students can then make small changes to their equation until the derivatives match.

4DX: A Glance at the Math Division WIG

Submitted by Bobbi Mohr on

In conjunction with the 4DX campus initiative and the EMCC Super Goal #1, the math division developed the following WIG:  To contribute to closing the equity gap and improving a student’s sense of belonging, the Mathematics Division will increase the student’s response average on the twenty questions of the Classroom Community Survey (Rovai, 2002) from a 2.2 to 2.5 by December 2021.  Residential faculty reported what types of activities/practices were implemented in their classes to increase a student's sense of belonging.  Students reported an average

Using Discussion Protocols to Actively Engage Students in Collaborative Learning in Live Online Classes

Submitted by Laura Popovici on

Using discussion protocols in a live online learning format promotes independent student collaboration and engagement in group discussions through quality instruction and student support. In conjunction with the use of Google documents and live online breakout rooms (Zoom, Webex, or Google Meets), protocols drive independent student discussion and collaboration using a set of guidelines that include student roles and responsibilities. Discussion protocols also allow for fostering student-to-student relationships and for providing immediate real-time feedback by faculty.

Adding Library Resources to a Persuasive Speech Assignment

Submitted by Rebecca Reategui on

Not only does this assignment address the current ILO of Information Literacy, but this also aligns to the CLO for COM 225: Students will be able to effectively present a persuasive speech orally to an audience. Lastly, by finding ways to improve teaching and learning, this is also a small way to contribute to the larger college goal of "increase the number of graduates/completers by 25% with equity."

Bueller, Bueller? Engaging Students in a Virtual World

Submitted by Bobbi Mohr on

In Fall 20, math courses transitioned to a Live Online format versus traditional online. Faculty spent the summer frantically learning technologies and strategies through workshops, brainstorming sessions, and social media. Math faculty also trained one another on Zoom/Webex, NearPod, and with a common goal -  to learn and implement new tools in the virtual environment to keep students engaged; increasing student success and persistence.

The Integration of Kahoot in CHM 130

Submitted by Nagib Balfakih on

The integration of Kahoot in CHM130 instruction will be investigated.  In this work, Kahoot will be developed to serve students in CHM130 in compound naming topic.  Students performance will be compared in naming compounds in this semester with students' performance in the last two years.  The study hypothesis stated that students in CHM130 who practice naming compound in Kahoot will score better than students who didn't practice naming of compounds in Kahoot.

Assessment Practitioner Spring 2020

Submitted by Catherine Cochran on

Assessment Practitioner was offered through the CTL this Spring 2020 semester for interested faculty and staff that wanted to continue their professional growth.  This hybrid Canvas course is designed to equip our faculty and staff with the information to understand the goals and practices of assessment in our Learning College culture.  This course has given the opportunity to model the true essense of a Learning College, by faciliating the natural relationship between teaching, learning, and assessment through weekly face-to-face sessions, weekly assignments, and colleague discus