PLO Assessment: Associates in Arts, Counseling and Applied Psychological Science (CAPS)

Submitted by Catherine Cochran on
What is the Purpose of the Assessment?

The Counseling and Applied Psychological Science (CAPS) faculty wanted to assess CAPS courses at the program level.  CAPS faculty wanted to know:  Are students learning program learning outcomes across the four core CAPS courses?  

Describe the necessity for this assessment

The goal of CAPS Program Assessment is to measure if CAPS students have developed a common counseling language and skill set, after completing the four core CAPS courses with the Associates of Arts, Counseling and Applied Psychological Science degree.  Across the four CAPS courses, there were key points that students would meet for CAPS faculty reviewed the existing Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for CAPS, by creating questions for a Final Reflection assignment in CAP240.  From the course sequence, students must have completed CAPS120 with a C or better, as a pre-requisite, to enroll in CAP240.  

Describe how the practice will be implemented

During the 2023-2024 academic year, CAPS faculty meet to review CAPS courses' competencies and course outlines to determine a "common learning" experience throughout the four CAPS courses.  Then, CAPS faculty selected CAPS program learning outcome (2):  Demonstrate use of oral, written, and interpersonal communication and basic helping skills needed within the counseling field.  This PLO is measured among all CAPS courses:  CAP120, CAP220, CAP240, and CAP260. In Spring 2024, CAPS240 students will be assessed with 8137.4226. PLO (2) through the CAP240 Final Reflection assignment, in Canvas.  CAP240 will begin collecting data through our dashboards with Canvas learning outcome assessment.

Interpret, compare, and describe the results

CAP240 will continue to assess  8137.4226. PLO (2) through different semesters (Spring and Summer) and course modalities (online vs. in-person). With data, we can begin to understanding our CAPS students learning throughout different environments and semesters.  This will guide CAPS faculty with curriculum development, instructional methods, and course offerings.

After analyzing, and reflecting on the outcome, what are the next steps?

The next steps are to continue PLO assessment through CAP240.  Once more data is collected, there will be more CAPS faculty discussions about CAPS curriculum and instructional methods. 


CAPS PLO assessment to measure CAPS student learning at the program level.  

Completed Full Cycle
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