Flipping Lessons/Blended learning

Café Mariposa

Submitted by Cecilia Rosales on

Café Mariposa is an open pedagogy and experiential learning project. Students engage with the content and the campus community in a relaxed atmosphere where they can build Spanish vocabulary, and hone listening and interpersonal communication skills.

4DX: A Glance at the Math Division WIG

Submitted by Bobbi Mohr on

In conjunction with the 4DX campus initiative and the EMCC Super Goal #1, the math division developed the following WIG:  To contribute to closing the equity gap and improving a student’s sense of belonging, the Mathematics Division will increase the student’s response average on the twenty questions of the Classroom Community Survey (Rovai, 2002) from a 2.2 to 2.5 by December 2021.  Residential faculty reported what types of activities/practices were implemented in their classes to increase a student's sense of belonging.  Students reported an average

Channeling My Inner Carl Sagan; Developing Supplemental Videos as OER

Submitted by Jarod Raithel on

Having now completed 3 semesters teaching BIO 182 - General Biology II for Science Majors, the area consistiently identified by student surveys as in need of improvement is the "Quality of the Textbook."  The book is expensive (>$100), and yet, I have observed that many/ most students do not read the supplemental chapters that align with lectures / activities / labs unless I assign end-of-chapter comprehension questions.  Following being awarded a FRACTYL grant last spring, I have been developing an OER, consisting of a series of engaging, supplemental videos that focus on case

Multiple Intelligences

Submitted by Roxan Arntson on

Multiple Intelligences is a theory that students have "intelligence" in a variety of fields (artistic, mathmatic, kinestetic, verbal, etc). By allowing students to use their strengths applied in to context of the discipline (in my case Communication), students can hopefully feel more confident in their abilities and engage better with the content. This could be aplied to practically any project in any discipline.

How increased utilization of student paced Adaptive Learning improved course outcomes

Submitted by Amber Chapman on

One of the biggest challenges for nursing students is to acclimate to the world of the nursing school exam.  Gone are the days of one right answer, the nursing student must learn how to prioritize several correct answers to determine which is the "most" correct. During the Spring 2017, utilization of the Adaptive Quizzing/Learning Resources was highly encouraged but not attached to course points.  In Fall of 2017, the Adaptive Learning activities were attached to 39 of the 600 total course points, leading to a 206% increase in student utilization.

Passport to Success

Submitted by Christopher Black on

The EMT program was experiencing an issue with students not coming to class prepared and they were not completing their reading assignments prior to coming to class. Instructors noticed that students were not as engaged and lacked the ability to create an open dialogue during classroom discussions.

Talking Tokens Engage!

Submitted by Peter Turner on

Two of my hybrid EDU classes this semester were challenging me to actively engage my students, especially when involved in group tasks or assignments. Collaborative groups expert Spencer Kagan recommends, among a variety of strategies, the use of Talking Tokens. Each student is given 3 tokens (I use paper clips from a box in the middle of each table). As they talk, ask a question, give a suggestion, etc., they put a token back in the box. When they are out of tokens, they cannot talk until everyone else in their group is also out. Then, the process begins again.

"Flipping" out in Nursing!

Submitted by Erika Aguirre on

Nursing is challenged by requiring an extremely intense curriculum to be delivered to students in a very short amount of time. A solution the nursing department adopted in Fall 2012 to alleviate this problem is "Flipping" the classroom! "Flipping" is a new innovative teaching style that parallels with EMCC Learning College Guiding Principles. The students are given lectures and power point slides in the form of a video to be viewed before class and in-class time is devoted to exercises, case studies and discussions.