Face to Face

Scores Got Worse! Learning Improved!

Submitted by Cheri Hebert on

The Communication Abilities Rubric assesses areas of physical and vocal delivery.  Instructors and students have not fully understood the categories in the rubric. As an innovative approach, my Com230H section did a media project breaking down each element of the rubric into video. I allowed for flexibility with strict guidelines to ensure all disciplines and communication research was covered. Next, 18 students assessed themselves 3x for 3 group presentations.

Go to the Head of the Class

Submitted by Amy Weibel on

In my F 2016 BIO181 classes, I noticed several students checking email, texting, sleeping. Those students  usually sat alone in the back of the room. I use “think-pair-share” activities to promote collaborative learning and communication, but this is challenging when disengaged students are spread out all over the classroom. To boost engagement, I established a seating policy mid-semester.  All front seats must be filled first, and no one sits alone at a table. I asked students to get up and move, and late comers could not avoid being directed to open seats.

No Paper Need to be Applied

Submitted by Erin Blomstrand on

To combat students being overly concerned with page length and the number of quotes/paraphrases when writing research papers, I decided to take the paper out of the equation. For this research project, students use the research process to determine how realistic the science/technology is in a selected Marvel film. By removing the paper, the students are able to focus on and practice the various steps in the research process, such as crafting a research proposal, annotated bibliography and outline.

Assessing the Effectiveness of the Student Success Module

Submitted by Erik Huntsinger on

In both my ECN211 and ECN212 courses, I include a learner outcome related to student success habits (along with course-specific outcomes).  Each week, I post a discussion assignment related to brain-based learning techniques (e.g., practicing recall, spacing learning over time), wellness behavior (sleeping, nutrition, exercise), and metacognitive skills (mindfulness, metacognition).  To assess the impact of this module on student learning, I will provide an open-ended assessment question where students will report what was particularly impactful for them that semester.

Physics Explanations and Relevance

Submitted by Angela McClure on

I have used the textbook for reviewing physics content.  In the fall spring of 2015, I allowed students an option of doing small at home labs/demos, video themselves doing the activity and explaining the physics behind it.  I found that the students who did these activities liked them and demonstated a deeper understanding of the material. In the fall of 2016, I decided to expand this idea and make the assignment a larger requirement of the overal grade. I also provided more opportunities to do these type of small projects.

Accounting Chapter 6 Re-Assessment

Submitted by Sylvia Ong on

A prior CATS (Accounting Chapter 6 Re-Teach, March of 2016) measured what was learned in inventory valuation from one semester to another, after a teaching intervention (candy example) was included.  Although the grade/scores improved from the formative assessment, the first quiz, the class average for the second quiz was only 11 out of 20 or 55%, which is a failing grade.  Since this second quiz was not for a grade, but rather just a summative evaluation for research purposes, I decided to use the same quiz, but as a graded item for Fall of 2016 and Spring of 2017.

Volume Measurement

Submitted by Steven Griffiths on

Students enrolled in Culinary courses measure ingredients by weight and volume on a daily basis while producing a variety of recipes/baking formulas.  Challenges occur with differentiating between weight and volume measurement / fl oz, and the ability to identify the appropriate measuring vessel (gal, qt, pint, cup, TBSP, TSP). I sought collaboration from other Culinary instructors at local high schools and colleges in relation to instructional methods on volume.

Curricular Models for Sustainable Undergraduate Research

Submitted by Dwain Desbien on

This is the start of the CATS for the Learning Inquiry Group on Curricular Models for Sustainable Undergraduate Research. As the semester goes on this will be edited to include more of the details of our work. But in brief we will be creating a cross prefix class for undergraduate research. This will include course outline and comptenecies that can be put through the curriculum process for multiple prefixes (PHY, CHM...). Then next academic year we hope to offer at least one of these to complete cycle. 

PHY131 LC vs Traditional 131

Submitted by Dwain Desbien on

For only the second time EMCC offered PHY131/MAT231 LC this fall. While N was small (12 and 15) some interesting results were found. On CSEM post test both classes scored above national average of 47% and no real difference in classes. The LC improved dramatically from first exam to last (pre-final) where the other remained flat. It is encouraging that the LC even though the students started at least 1 MAT class behind performed as well and improved up to traditional class scores as semester progressed.

Riding K-Wave: Engaging students outside the library

Submitted by Elisabeth Rodriguez on

Every semester the Estrella librarians seek to engage and reach out to students who may not be familiar with the Estrella Library. Participating in student club activities is one method to reach students and promote the Library’s resources and services. Working with the Asian Pacific Islander Club (APIC), I coordinated a social educational event that utilized my educational background in Asian Pacific American Studies and research methods. I created an interactive presentation to engage students to think critically about the food they eat using a popular culture context (K-Wave).

Want to talk about masturbation? A Silent Activity in Human Sexuality

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

During the Module on Sexual Expression, we sociologically analyze masturbation and society's impact on this natural behavior. Students may be uncomfortable with certain topics that we discuss and analyze. It is also a good opportunity to have a different type of activity. Statements on masturbation are printed on 11 X 17 paper. Each student has one statement in front of them. A timer is used for students to comment on the paper in writing with no discussion. It is a silent class period. Once the timer goes off the statement gets rotated to the next student.

3-D printed models

Submitted by Rebecca Currey on

Trying to visualize molecular processes for students can be very challenging.  Neil Raymond and I decided to try 3-D printed objects to use in the classroom to teach these concepts in Biology.  I used the database thingiverse to search for models, and Neil designed and printed his own working sarcomere through tinkercad.  After using the models in class, I discovered that they can be powerful tools to aid in conceptualizing and visualizing processes, especially at the molecular level.  The 3-D printing is a compliment to STEM curriculum and promotes problem solving skill

Student Guides do it again!

Submitted by Peter Turner on

In our Introduction to Education course, one of our major topics is ethical behavior by teachers. Materials covered include some reading materials on ethical behavior, the National Education Association teacher ethics, and a voice-over Ppt covering the topic. The follow up assessment is a series of situations, all of which have occurred in local K-12 education settings, to which the students must describe the correct ethical pathway to take. Scores on this assignment averaged at 77%. This was disappointing, especially considering the serious nature of the topic.

Flashcards and Critical Thinking

Submitted by Amy Weibel on

A straight lecture on cell structures is torture for students. To remedy this, I designed a system of flashcards where each organelle is represented by 3 types of cards: a picture card, a structure card, and a characteristic card. Cards have alignment hints for the other two cards. Each group of 4 students is given one set of 36 cards. They work together to align the 3 cards for each organelle.  While groups are engaged in collaborative work to tease out details about each organelle, I can work more closely with each student as they learn to critically evaluate card content.

Assessment Through Simulation

Submitted by Jennifer Kline on

Instructors are tasked with having to prepare EMT students for work in pre-hospital, in-hospital and now more recently, mobile integrated healthcare settings.  The use of simulation in the classroom helps prepare students for the workplace by exposing them to a broad variety of situations they may encounter by allowing them to apply knowledge and skills without endangering a live patient.  During the simulation the students are placed in an environment set to a standardized patient scenario with a variety of sensory distractors such as props, smells, patient actors with moulage (m