Democratic Decision Making in an Online/Hybrid Environment

Submitted by Michael Boring on

This assessment modifies the Democratic Decision Making assessment I developed a few years ago. It makes use of discussion boards and surveys to allow students in online and hybrid classes to participate in a democratic process to decide what topics they will study and present.

I use the dicussion feature on Canvas to guide class discussion of which topic (among choices decided upon by the instructor) they would like to study in more depth and present to the class.

Through a democratic process, students take on more responsibility for the direction of their studies, and gives them a legitimate sense of empowerment with regards to the direction of their education. It also gives them the opportunity to work with their fellow students in makeing these decisions.

Participation in the process is mandatory for all students.

Please see document below for more complete instructions.

Completed Full Cycle
Course Number
PHI 213
Average: 4.7 (3 votes)


Peter Turner Mon, 02/16/2015 - 4:07pm

Student choice is a powerful motivator! I look forward to your results.

Kimberly Owens Sat, 02/21/2015 - 10:58am

I really like the idea of students being more involved and accountable of what they are learning.

Monica Sul Sat, 09/12/2015 - 11:03am

I incorporate this into my class and it is important for students to be involved as much as possible. I teach a business course and feel that empowering students is essential. I make sure my students understand that I am a facilitator and will create an enviroment of high participation. This idea gives me more options to use in my format.  Thanks