Ongoing and Varied Assessments to Promote Critical Thinking

Submitted by Rachel Holmes on

In my EDU222 class, we are analyzing Special Education models.   Last term I presented on three models, set up in-class discussions, and had students write a research-based essay analyzing the 3.  This semester, I modified the cycle to include a  variety of formative assessments and ended with an in-class debate and essay. Students were much more analytical in their approach and were much better able to form their own conclusions as to what Special Education Model is most effective and why. The final result was that student took more ownership over their learning. Critical thinking was much more evident.

Quantitative growth:  Last semester class average on essay: 85%, This semester 93%  Qualitative growth:    Their essays were inclusive of more solid research, and students made up their own minds on the most effective Special Education model instead of going with the 'popular' answer.

Completed Full Cycle
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cats-oct-2014.docx 115.45 KB
Average: 4 (4 votes)


Peter Turner Thu, 11/06/2014 - 7:57am

Another great CATS, Rachel. It has all of the elements - looking for a better way, change in delivery/strategies, analysis of data, and conclusions as to efficacy. My only question is, how much more time did it take this fall as compared to last spring?

Heather Muns Mon, 11/10/2014 - 3:40pm

This is a great activity, Rachel.  A perfect example of the action research cycle.  You had great results.  Will you do anything different the next time you do this activity?