
Submitted by Jennifer Elliott on

To cover textbook material, I assign the students sections to present. In Cultural Anthropology classes, this is assigned by Cultural Area. I allow students to choose a partner to present with and provide them a list of possible topics. They are to sign up on a first-come, first-serve basis. The requirements are that the presentations cover the textbook material, as well as include at least one outside source. The presentations should be about 10 minutes, for about 2 minutes for questions, etc. They include slides, pictures, and video. Once the presentation is finished, I post it in that week's module on Canvas.In order to ensure accountability, each student must turn in a comments/questions sheet and information presented on the mid-term and final. So far, I use my own rubric for grading, and share comments, etc. by handing the comment-sheets back, minus the name of the "owner."  In the future, I would like to use a student-created rubric, and find a better way for the students to share their comments and questions with one another. 

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Jennifer Elliott Mon, 02/09/2015 - 2:37pm

I did not know how this works, so I am going to "comment" on myself. This semester, I am focusing on ASB 202. The students are to choose an issue in ethnic relations in the US (not a text chapter). At this point, they are considering their topics and choosing their partners for the presentation. They have also submitted a rubric assignment where they created a sample presentation rubric and reflected on what makes a good presentation. They also were asked to give input on how they would like to receive comments from the audience and if the audience (their classmates) should have any input in their actual grade. I found their comments very interesting so far...most students have said that fellow classmates should have very little, if any, input in their presentation grade. They have also brought up interesting points on comments from the audience (not necessarily grades) in that anonymity can actually set up a situation for harsh, disrespectful comments. I know that as an instructor it is my responsibility to set guidelines, expectations, etc., for exactly this, but I'm finding it very interesting that the student responses are not what I had expected (I thought they would want more "freedom" "input" etc.). 

Heather Muns Fri, 02/13/2015 - 11:46pm

Hi Jennifer, 

I like the idea of students presenting the material.  They tend to "own it" this way.  I look forward to hearing the results. Do you have data to compare this method of teaching the material to a previous method?  

Jennifer Elliott Sat, 09/24/2016 - 11:24am

I did not know how to do a CATS when I did this. I didn't have any way to track "improvement." I still give the presentation assignment, though I have modified it. I gave up on getting my students to come up with their own rubric. They didn't seem motivated, and many of them said they were not comfortable grading one another's presentations. I do include a section on MY RUBRIC which is called "audience input." During the presentation each student fills out a sheet with a rating system 1-5, on eye contact, voice, and visual appeal of the presentation. I add this score into the overall score of the presentation. 

Olga Tsoudis Thu, 10/13/2016 - 2:40pm

I agree. Students learn more when they present. I also like the idea of having them work on the rubric. Thanks for sharing!

Peter Turner Mon, 10/17/2016 - 1:22pm

Student generated presentations are an excellent way for them taking ownership in their own learning journey, as well as giving them life long communication skills. Heather Muns also created a CATS where she had them creating their own rubrics. You might look at that too. Good start!