SAC Closing the Loop Luncheon Spring 2021

Submitted by Catherine Cochran on
What is the Purpose of the Assessment?

To help faculty develop an improvement plan with institutional learning outcomes(ILOs) and classroom learning outcomes(CLOs) data in our dashboard, Tableau.


Describe the necessity for this assessment

In March 2021, SAC facilitated two virtual luncheons. Faculty and academic divisions can review ILO and CLO data and engage in meaningful conversations about student learning.  

Describe how the practice will be implemented

During our two virtual luncheons, we presented the Fall 2020 ILO and CLO data and compared previous semesters.  Also, we found common themes to begin conversations with our faculty about data trends.  

Interpret, compare, and describe the results

By offering more opportunties to review CLO and ILO data, we will continue to see an increase in participation.  More EMCC faculty and staff assessed ILOs:  2 (Spring 2019) to 32 (Spring 2020).  More EMCC faculty and staff assessed CLOs:  28 (Spring 2019) to 57 (Spring 2020).  



After analyzing, and reflecting on the outcome, what are the next steps?

After our Closing the Loop Virtual Luncheons, we had feedback from our participants: create user friendly guide on how to view the Tableau dashboards and  create breakout opportunities for divisions to review their CLOs and ILOs for common themes at Fall 2021 Assessment Matters .  


SAC's Closing the Loop luncheons provided:  EMCC faculty and staff an understanding about the difference between a institutional (ILO) and course-level learning outcomes (CLO), familiarity with the Tableau dashboard, and identify the steps to have their course-level learning outcomes set-up in Canvas.

Completed Full Cycle