To create a culture of meaningful assessment and increase streamlined data collection processes.
All EMCC CLOs haven't been moved into Canvas. There is a need for more CLO data collection.
Fall 2020 Assessment Matters, keynote speaker, Dr. Susan Hayfield, presented on meaningful assessment and creating CLOs. Dr. Hayfield reviewed: What is meaningful assessment?, The steps and tools to build a course-level outcomes, and why meaningful assessment is important?
Instructors who collect CLO participation has decreased from 50 instructors (Fall 2019) to 36 instructors (Fall 2020). CLO students assessed have increased from 68 (Fall 2019) to 1,081 (Fall 2020).
SAC Co-Coordinators wanted to create a culture of meaningful assessment at EMCC with our faculty and staff. The goals are to increase the number of courses to move their course-level learning outcomes(CLOs) into Canvas, increase more CLO data collection, and have a more streamlined data collection processes.