STEM Summer Bridge Program 2019

Submitted by Christopher McNeal on
What is the Purpose of the Assessment?

To recruit and retain students interested in obtaining a STEM degree while helping students gain skills and study habits required to complete a STEM program.  

Describe the necessity for this assessment

To improve the number of underepresented students pursuing and completing a STEM degree. 

Describe how the practice will be implemented

The program targeted recent graduates. Particpants were enrolled in MAT151 and CPD115, and connected with academic support services such as tutoring, along with STEM workshops. In both courses, students were introduced to the modeling method and journaling, which are common practices that will be used in future EMCC STEM courses. Facilitated group tutoring provided content and academic support while building necessary skills early. STEM workshops helped to inspire students. 

Interpret, compare, and describe the results

Of the 12 students that particpated in this program: 83% passed MAT151 with a C or better. 100% passed CPD115 with a C or better. 100% of the students completed the program. 100% of the students enrolled in Fall 2019 college courses. Participants said "the group tutoring sessions were extremely helpful and listening to speakers helped her realize that there is always another step or level of education she can achieve and that it’s OK to go for your dreams".

After analyzing, and reflecting on the outcome, what are the next steps?

It would benefit EMCC to grow this program with the goal of increasing the number of graduates completing with a STEM degree. One key factor would be to improve the recuitment for this program by recruiting through advisment ROAR sessions. As the program grows, the Academic Success Center should also increase the number of STEM tutors to meet the needs of these students. Co-curicullar actvities should be expanded beyond engineering to cover the diverse pathways of STEM.


The program was held during a five week summer session. Twelve students met Monday through Thursday for Math 151 College Algebra/Functions, followed by one hour of tutoring. Students also met Monday through Wednesday for CPD115, Creating College Success in STEM. Every Thursday, students had the opportunity to partake in hands-on STEM workshops and programs, meet current and/or former STEM students, meet with different community professionals to explore the different careers in STEM, and learn about the different supportive programs, such as undergraduate internships.

Students were required to attend set mandatory tutoring times. Students would collaboratively work on classroom assignments while solving problems, engaging each others' process, and checking for understanding of content. The purpose of this time was to show students the importance of a dedicated focused study time when taking STEM courses. It also reinforced the idea of Communities of Learning, were if one surrounds themselves with other students on a similar educational journey, so they are more likely to be successful.

Completed Full Cycle
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Becky Baranowski Thu, 09/19/2019 - 10:54am


Thank you for taking time to document this.  I was happy to be part of this summer bridge program as their instructor.  The mandatory tutoring was INCREDIBLY helpful for me because these students came in very underprepared with their math prior knowledge.  You and the tutors were an asset in helping me fill the gaps in their prior knowledge so that they can be successful in this class.