ASC STEM Journal Forum

Submitted by Christopher McNeal on
What is the Purpose of the Assessment?

Students are not aware of how important it is journal for their STEM courses at Estrella. 

Describe the necessity for this assessment

STEM Faculty have collaborated with the Academic Success Center (ASC) to find ways to connect with students about the significance of journaling for STEM courses. 

Describe how the practice will be implemented

The ASC created a journal forum using a panel of STEM tutors, who have previously taken various STEM courses that required journaling, for students to hear about how why this is an important component of STEM courses at Estrella. Students were able to get insight about journaling, specfic questions answered about journal requirements, and examples of the tutors' jounrals for ideas. 

Interpret, compare, and describe the results

According to the results of our survey (percentage of students who attended our forum):

  • 90% have a better understanding of how to journal
  • 90% thought the tutors were very knowledgable about STEM journals.
  • 80% understand the importance of journaling for STEM courses.
  • 80% have ideas they will use to make their journals more helpful
  • 40% go to tutoring for assistance with their journal. 
After analyzing, and reflecting on the outcome, what are the next steps?

From the results of our data, this event was successful in making students see why it is important to journal for the STEM courses at Estrella. We will continue this event at different times of the semester, expand to all and anty STEM course that requires journaling, and provide journal-based assistance for students. 


The Academic Success Center provides in-person tutoring for STEM courses which includes Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Due the discontinuation of Developmental Education courses, there has been a shift in tutoring demand for Gatekeeper and STEM courses in semester Fall 2019. With the collaboration with STEM faculty, the ASC is developing and experimenting new intiatives on how to support the increase in demand of tutoring for these subjects. 

Special thanks goes out to the tutors who participated in the Forum: Hector Medina, Parker Gray, Isaias Del Muro, Jorge Gonzalez, Cody Durrer, and Oscar Gutierrez. 

Completed Full Cycle
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asc-stem-journal-forum-data.xlsx 11.08 KB
Assessment of the Month
Average: 1 (45 votes)


Becky Baranowski Thu, 09/19/2019 - 10:58am


This is another great co-curricular example of things we are doing here at EMCC.  This session was much needed for our students; I have heard nothing but good things from my students that attended.  The partnerships you are providing for us to have more successful STEM students is fantastic.  I am looking forward to seeing more to come.