Peer Lead Focus and Learning Review

Submitted by Muhammad Sandhu on
What is the Purpose of the Assessment?

To monitor student engagement and learning during class and identify gaps in learning.

Describe the necessity for this assessment

During the lecture, there can be a lack of student engagement and collaboration. I wanted to increase student collaboration and gain information about student understanding.

Describe how the practice will be implemented

The students will work in groups, and one student will act as a peer leader. To ensure participation, the students will use specific color pencils to record their inputs. I can assess their work in a shorter time. The students will have an active role in their learning.

Interpret, compare, and describe the results

After implementing the Peer Lead Learning Review technique, I compared the quiz results and the quality and accuracy of journal entries. The class with Peer Lead Learning Review showed significant improvement in quiz grades and showed improvement in the quality of journal entries.

After analyzing, and reflecting on the outcome, what are the next steps?

The opportunity to assess student work will give me reliable feedback about my teaching and student learning. I will use this feedback to review and modify the content. I will share my findings with my colleagues and ask them to try it.


Peer Lead Focus and Learning Review

Monitoring student engagement and learning during class & providing feedback is tough due to lack of time. One way to do this is Peer lead learning review; it monitors engagement and provides feedback.

The class was divided into six groups of four students; one student acted as a peer leader. The peer leaders were rotated after 3 weeks, allowing each group member to act as a peer leader.

After teaching a topic, the group reviewed the content. They recorded their inputs with a specific color pencil. The input could be a summary of a process, analysis, and application of a concept. The peer leader interacted with the group, gave and received feedback followed by a collective review. In the end, each group shared their recordings with the class, and the instructor provided feedback.

Applying this technique, I found if learning has occurred, or there were gaps to fill. This activity increased student engagement and provided an atmosphere where students played an active role in their learning, an essential skill for lifelong learning.

Completed Full Cycle
Course Number
BIO 201
Assessment of the Month
Average: 2.9 (8 votes)


Catherine Cochran Tue, 04/21/2020 - 6:56am

Hi Muhammad, 

You have learning on multi-levels.  When your students are in the Peer leader roles, they are gaining deeper learning by teaching concepts to others.  At the same time, they are reviewing the material too.  Your students in the groups are gaining a peer dynamic in learning the material by their Peer Leaders' examples and instruction.  The instructor is gaining more insight about what is being learned, and how to improve the learning in the classroom.  

Your results showed their was an increase in positive outcomes with peer led review.  Well-done!


Amy Hill Tue, 04/21/2020 - 2:18pm

Hi Muhammad,

I really liked this and how you made sure each person was able to do the peer leader roll!  Thank you for sharing this!