May 2013

Mat 091 Pre-Post Test Results = Disappointing

Submitted by Holly Dison on

I administered a four question Pre-Post test in Spring 2012, Fall 2012 and Spring 2013.  The Pre-Post test is attached for your reference. In Sp12 and Fa12, students showed great improvement from Pre to Post test, however in Sp13, the percentage improvement from pre to post test dropped drastically.  Overall scores on the post test for 2012 were very high (see attached) and for Sp13 were low.  There were two main differences from last fall to this spring that contributed to the lower Pre-Post test results.

art 112 Scale Collage Exercise

Submitted by Jimmy Fike on

 After viewing a powerpoint on scale as a design principle, and an in class discussion students are asked to create collages that explore the relationship between scale and meaning. The resulting collages should be representational but illustrate a world in which the normal relationships between things have been altered through changes in scale. The resulting collages are often whimsical, but capable of illustrating a more sophisticated understanding of the way we use scale daily to navigate the world, create systems of order, and define self.