Tallow Sculpture CUL107

Submitted by Jon Hill on

Tallow sculpturing is a culinary expression of food art dating back to the 18th century. This is a medium of food artistry which is mostly classified as one of the lost arts in the culinary profession. The assessment was created to measure student’s ability to create a tallow sculpture as part of the capstone culinary class Garde Manger CUL107.  A rubrics was created to incorporate student learning outcomes and assess students in the fall 2012 and spring 2013.   Based on the result from fall 2012 some modifications were made for spring 2013 that included creating themed sculptures as opposed to the open theme of choice. Also increasing the amount of class time for students work on sculptures.  This allowed students to focus on the project in class and ask questions.  Student’s time management scores increased in the Spring 2013  and focus on task because of this change. Students improved in the Spring 2013 over the fall 2012 in all areas.

Completed Full Cycle
Course Number
Average: 3.8 (8 votes)


Erik Huntsinger Wed, 07/31/2013 - 10:48am

Jon, this is a great demonstration of the assessment practice in action.  Assess how things are going under the ordinary conditions, make changes based on weak area, and reassess to see if there was improvement.  Indeed, it looks like your changes did work.  It seems that the difference in changes may have been hampered by the ceiling effect however- your students were already doing pretty darn good by your own standards before the changes.  You can take this assessment model and replicate it other portions of your class too to ensure continual educational quality and improvement.

Marianne Smith Wed, 09/11/2013 - 8:41pm

I think you did a great job of closing the loop with this assessment, Jon. Your list of intervention strategies shows a lot of thought went into making the learning experience more effective for the students. The way you presented your rubric and data is very clear, even to someone not familiar with tallow sculpture.

Peter Turner Tue, 09/17/2013 - 12:16pm

Ditto to the two comments above. This is what closing the loop is all about: a continual loop using data to inform instruction. Well done!