Active Reading Method for Engaged Student Learning

Submitted by Michael Boring on

One of the keys to success in college is becoming a better reader. One challenge facing the college student in her or his forst two years is making the shift from passive reading for pleasure to active reading for learning. Further, many students do not realize that they need to improve their reading technique, especially if they have not place into a developmental reading class. My experience is that even my best students could benefit from a new perspective on how to read better. The method is familiar:SPQ3R. What is developed here are two complementary assessment techniques that build upon that method, namely an SPQR reading outline and subsequent reading quiz that allows for the use of the reading notes.

(Documents to be attached: Detail of SPQ3R technique, SPQR reading notes w/quiz assessment)

Completed Full Cycle
Course Number
PHI 101
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Erik Huntsinger Wed, 09/12/2012 - 9:32am

I looking forward to learning about your findings when they are completed.  I have a hunch too that reading is crucial to student success, particularly in a PHI course, but have you investigated if students who have taking CRE101, RDG091, or tested out are more likely to pass PHI than those with lower reading skills?  As part of my ECN student success survey, I am examining reading predictiveness in passing the ECN courses... I will let you know what I find.  Likewise, I hope to learn what you find.  My last question is how will you determine if the SPQ3R intervention was effective or not?

Roselyn Turner Mon, 09/17/2012 - 12:25pm

I love affective learning outcomes, and I wonder if in your future assessments you could also measure if student attitudes towards reading improved along with their achievement.

Peter Turner Tue, 09/18/2012 - 12:27pm

Michael, good stuff. I like how most of Bloom's levels are all incorporated in your version of SPQ3R. My question for you is will you use this methodology to inform your instruction, or make curricular decisions?

Steven Peist Wed, 10/17/2012 - 3:31pm


This really is an engaging way to ensure student interaction with text.  I would love to see how this turns out as I have been teaching some learning style strategies to my students.  Those who don't maximize their reading skills tend to read inversely to their identified learning styles. 

Would love to collaborate with you soon with the Civic engagement stuff as well. 
