Assessment Matters Fall 2019

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on
What is the Purpose of the Assessment?

Provide a meeting during the week of accountability to set a foundation for assessment work throughout the semester.

Describe the necessity for this assessment

Besides providing updates, introducing new leaders and content, activities were offered to address learning outcomes at the classroom, program, and institutional level.

Describe how the practice will be implemented

Six activities had groups assessing how they did at the individual (course), group (program), and institutional level.  Attendees determined how they met the individual, program and institutional learning outcomes for the activities; an intentional debriefing occured afterwards.  The activities included basketball toss, charades, and other fun activities.  Not only did the coordinators want the participants to learn but to also have fun.

Interpret, compare, and describe the results

The results were mixed.  Some people saw the activities as follows:  useless; useful but only for team building in their classes (ice breakers); useful in understanding learning outcomes and ways to assess.  Please see attached document for survey results.  

After analyzing, and reflecting on the outcome, what are the next steps?

Overall, Assessment Matters was considered productive, informative, and a good event.  The coordinators will continue to organize the event to be fun, informative, and useful to EMCC employees.  For activities, the coordinators need to give clearer directions and less things to do.  WIth a large group, too much was happening within a small time frame.  The assessment coordinators will use feedback to develop the next Assessment Matters.  

Completed Full Cycle
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