Tutors need a review session on certain topics in mathematics throughout the semester in order to assist students more effectively.
There are certain math topics that are taught at designated times of the semester, which tutors will not see or remember the material until it is assigned.
Tutors attended scheduled content review sessions in MAT141, MAT151, and calculus courses and go over frequently asked questions and problems that tutors encounter from students. Sessions are scheduled before a topic is assigned to a course so that tutors are better prepared to assist students with questions.
In the survey, 20-60% of the tutors stated that their knowledge and confidence in tutoring the topic was not as great prior to attending the session. Only 20% of the tutors said they were confident in tutoring the topic. After the session, 80-100% of the tutors had a better understanding of the topic. Tutors also stated that the content sessions are presented in a fun, engaging, collaborative format.
One of the goals of the Academic Success Center is to provide quality tutoring in the content areas of mathematics. These review sessions will contribute to this goal by helping tutors identitfy the gaps in their mathematics content. In addition, the subject material is to be reflected in what is taught in the classroom. Through MOER, the tutors are able to review and refresh math topics throughout the semester. With the content training sessions, we are able to assist students more effectively because the material is fresh in our minds!
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cats-content-session-survey-results.xlsx | 15.17 KB |
Chris - Thank you for sharing all of your hard work with our tutors. As a faculty member who will be teaching MAT141/146 and I really happy to see more and more tutors review that material so they are available for our students.