Game On! A Taboo-Inspired Approach to Inclusive Learning

Submitted by Ashley Burkart on
What is the Purpose of the Assessment?

The purpose of the assessment is to utilize interactive learning to promote inclusivity and enhance understanding in higher education courses. This assessment introduces a game-based activity modeled after Taboo, designed to engage students in a way that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.

The activity not only deepens students' comprehension of course content but also cultivates an inclusive classroom environment where diverse perspectives are valued. This approach offers educators a low-cost and adaptable strategy to engage students across various disciplines, ultimately enhancing their learning experiences and preparing them for real-world applications in their future careers.

Describe the necessity for this assessment

The necessity for this assessment stems from the increasing demand for effective educational strategies that promote both engagement and inclusivity. In my BIO201 (Anatomy and Physiology I) course, where students are preparing for healthcare professions, strong communication skills are crucial. However, traditional review methods often fail to engage all students or foster collaboration among diverse groups. I have observed a small percentage of students in BIO201—approximately 10-15%—who participated minimally in review activities, particularly those feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about the material. Feedback collected from a check-out ticket, where students responded to the prompt “How prepared do you feel about the upcoming Unit 1 Exam?” highlighted this issue, revealing sentiments ranging from “Very prepared” to “Wait, we have an exam coming up?”

To address this gap, I developed the Taboo-inspired activity, which provides an interactive, game-based learning experience that reinforces course content while encouraging critical thinking and teamwork. This activity utilizes a randomized pairing system that ensures students engage with peers from various backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity essential for creating an environment where every student feels valued and empowered to contribute.

Moreover, this assessment can be easily modified and adapted to other disciplines, as communication, group work, and collaboration skills are vital across all fields of study. By promoting interaction and teamwork, the activity prepares students to navigate diverse environments, encouraging them to appreciate multiple viewpoints and develop essential soft skills increasingly sought after by employers. This adaptability allows educators in various disciplines to implement this approach to enhance student engagement and cultivate inclusive learning spaces.

In stark contrast to traditional review methods that often rely on passive memorization techniques such as flashcards or lectures, the Taboo-inspired game transforms the learning process into a collaborative and competitive experience. Each student assumes the roles of both Clue Giver and Guesser, promoting active participation and ensuring all voices are heard in the classroom. The flexibility of the game allows educators to customize content to align with specific course objectives and student needs, making it relevant across disciplines. Furthermore, leveraging technology to facilitate randomized pairings and reflections encourages students to engage with their peers in innovative ways, breaking down social barriers and nurturing inclusivity. By integrating game mechanics into the review process, this assessment enhances student motivation and cultivates critical thinking and communication skills essential for success in healthcare professions.

Describe how the practice will be implemented

The game's structure is straightforward: students work in pairs, alternating between two roles. The Clue Giver describes a term without using specific 'taboo' words, while the Guesser tries to identify the term. This interactive approach reinforces course material and helps students practice communicating complex concepts in relatable terms. By rotating roles, all students have the opportunity to refine both their explanation and listening skills—critical components in developing problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities.

To foster inclusivity, I implemented a randomized pairing system where students receive numbered cards and match with partners based on these numbers. This randomization breaks down social barriers, encouraging students to interact with peers they may not know well and promoting collaboration among students from diverse backgrounds. In doing so, a stronger sense of community is cultivated within the classroom.

After each round, students engage in brief reflections on their communication strategies and identify areas for improvement. This reflective practice deepens their understanding of the material and encourages active self-evaluation. By constantly switching roles, students gain valuable experience in both giving and receiving information, enhancing their critical-thinking skills.

Following the Taboo activity, students participate in a metacognitive self-reflection to assess their performance as both Clue Giver and Guesser. This reflection provides students with an opportunity to evaluate their communication strategies, problem-solving methods, and comprehension of the material. They also consider how the challenge of explaining terms without using specific words might prepare them for future tasks, such as educating patients about their health conditions.

The reflection process further encourages inclusivity by giving all students a platform to share their experiences and perspectives, regardless of background or learning style. This fosters a sense of belonging and validation as their contributions are valued. Additionally, by prompting students to consider diverse viewpoints, the activity enhances inclusivity by acknowledging and appreciating the importance of multiple perspectives.

Interpret, compare, and describe the results

The Taboo activity yielded valuable insights, assessed through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as reflections from both students and the instructor. 

The key outcomes are as follows:

Increased Engagement: Informal observations showed high levels of student engagement throughout the activity. Students were actively involved, maintaining focus and displaying enthusiastic participation. Their high motivation fostered a dynamic, energized learning environment.

Enhanced Understanding: Qualitative feedback indicated that students gained a deeper understanding of the course material. Many reported that the game format made complex concepts more accessible and helped solidify their grasp of key ideas. For instance, students shared the following insights in response to the question, “How did this game contribute to your understanding of the material?”:

  • “The game helped me visualize and understand complex concepts more clearly.”
  • “Actively engaging with the terms in a game format solidified my understanding.”
  • “It highlighted areas where I need to review or seek further clarification.”
  • “Working with a partner helped me see different perspectives and approaches to explaining concepts.”
  • “I found myself enjoying the activity, which made the learning experience more memorable.”

Development of Communication Skills: The activity enhanced students’ communication skills, including verbal expression, listening, and collaborative problem-solving. As Clue Givers, students were challenged to explain concepts without using specific terms, encouraging them to find alternative ways to convey information. This task helped them better understand the importance of clear communication in healthcare settings. Here are some reflections from students in response to the question, “Reflect on your role as a Clue Giver. How might the challenge of explaining terms without using specific words prepare you for educating patients about their health conditions?”:

  • “I needed to gauge my partner's understanding and adjust my communication accordingly. This skill is essential for patient education, where empathy is key.”
  • “The challenge of finding alternative ways to convey information enhanced my communication skills.”
  • “Avoiding specific words pushed me to simplify my explanations, a useful skill in patient education.”
  • “I really had to understand the concept in order to explain it well to my partner.”

Positive Student Experience: Overall, students reported a highly positive experience with the Taboo activity. They appreciated the interactive format, the opportunity to consolidate their learning, and the inclusivity fostered by the activity. Many noted that the task promoted camaraderie and teamwork, contributing to a supportive and inclusive classroom environment.

Improved Student Exam Averages: I observed an approximate 4-point improvement in the Unit 1 exam score averages for the 201 course where I implemented this review activity, compared to the exam average of a previous 201 course that covered the same material but did not include this activity.

Broad and Deep Impact on Student Learning: The game-based format I’ve developed engages diverse learners, fostering inclusivity and collaboration among peers from various backgrounds. This approach appeals to different learning styles and creates an environment where all students feel valued.

By promoting teamwork and communication, the activity cultivates transferable skills that are relevant across various fields, broadening its impact beyond immediate course content. Its adaptability allows other educators to implement similar strategies, fostering a culture of active learning throughout the institution.

Additionally, the interactive nature of the activity encourages critical thinking and real-time application of course concepts, leading to improved retention and understanding. My plan to gather feedback through surveys and reflections will enable me to refine the activity based on student experiences, ensuring it meets their needs and promotes deeper learning outcomes.

This collaborative environment also fosters a sense of belonging, encouraging students to take risks and engage more deeply with the content, thereby enhancing their academic performance. I am optimistic about the project’s impact on student learning and am committed to continually assessing and adapting my approach to improve these outcomes.

After analyzing, and reflecting on the outcome, what are the next steps?

Based on these outcomes, I will continue to:

Utilize Interactive and Game-Based Learning

I will maintain my use of game-based learning strategies, such as the Taboo activity, to foster inclusive and engaging environments. These approaches accommodate diverse learning styles while encouraging active participation and collaboration among students from various backgrounds.

Promote Student Reflection and Voice

Moving forward, I will create more opportunities for student reflection after interactive activities. Encouraging students to connect these experiences with their cultural backgrounds and share their insights with peers will amplify diverse perspectives, validating multiple ways of knowing and learning.

Foster Peer Learning and Collaboration

I will continue promoting peer learning by encouraging collaboration among students from diverse backgrounds. Interactive activities like this one help build a sense of community and belonging, which are essential to fostering inclusivity in STEM classrooms.

Continuously Evaluate and Adapt Teaching Practices

I plan to consistently assess my teaching strategies through ongoing feedback. Soliciting student input and reflecting on their experiences will allow me to refine my approaches to better serve diverse learners. This evaluation will involve a combination of surveys, reflections, and focus groups to ensure a comprehensive understanding of student experiences and learning outcomes.

Incorporate Culturally Responsive Communication

I will integrate culturally relevant content into STEM curricula, particularly in healthcare communication scenarios. By aligning classroom examples with students’ cultural backgrounds, I can help them draw connections between their learning and real-world experiences, better preparing them for effective communication with diverse patient populations in their future careers.

Pursue Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Engagement

To enhance this activity, I collaborated with educators in the Physical Sciences Department at Estrella Mountain Community College (EMCC) and the Respiratory Therapy Program at Gateway Community College. This interdisciplinary collaboration enriched the content and created a more holistic learning experience. By leveraging the expertise of colleagues from various fields, I developed a comprehensive educational experience that benefits students across multiple programs. Given the success of this approach, I am committed to continuing cross-disciplinary and intercampus collaborations in the future.

Current and Future Dissemination and Professional Outreach

I have been sharing this work on multiple levels, beginning with fellow biology educators at the National Association of Biology Teachers Inclusive Teaching Symposium in May 2024, and within my own institution during the Fall 2024 Day of Learning. I am honored to present this activity to higher education instructors and administrators across community colleges nationwide at the upcoming National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Annual Fall Conference on October 18, 2024.

Through these presentations, I hope not only to share an activity that promotes inclusivity and dynamic learning but also to gather valuable feedback for further refinement. This feedback is crucial for enhancing student engagement and success, ensuring that the activity continues to meet the needs of diverse learners. Ultimately, these efforts aim to improve student learning outcomes and create a more impactful educational experience for all involved.


This CATs explores the use of a game-based learning activity, modeled after Taboo©, to boost student engagement, communication skills, and conceptual understanding across disciplines. Students worked in pairs to describe and guess course-specific terms without using certain "taboo" words, reinforcing complex concepts while improving verbal and listening abilities. Mixed-methods assessments revealed increased engagement, deeper understanding, and enhanced skills critical for STEM, healthcare, humanities, and social sciences. The activity’s broader applicability across fields like education, business, and the arts highlights its potential to develop critical thinking and communication skills. The findings suggest that game-based learning can create inclusive, interactive, and student-centered environments that prepare learners for real-world tasks such as research presentation, teamwork, and explaining complex ideas.

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