So you think you know about gender? the journal entry- Week 1 and Week 16

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

During Week 1, students complete a journal entry in which they discuss their thoughts on current gender inequalities and what they think the course will include. The majority of students do not have the details of contemporary gender issues. Most of them state that gender inequalities are part of the past and/or that there are a few gender inequalities due to progress. During Week 16, students complete a journal entry asking them what they will walk away, what surprised them in the course, and how will they promote social change. Most students are completely surprised on the reality of gender inequality, how they are in support of social justice issues and how they notice gender inequalities. Students explain that they never cared about gender issues, but now they do. They notice that they have started conversations with other people and have changed some of their own behaviors. 100% of the students give credible ways in which they can promote social change and support gender inequality. Social responsibility and social awareness are common themes throughout their writing. One example is gay rights in which they explain how they ignored it, but now are genuinely concerned.

Completed Full Cycle
Course Number
SOC 212
Attachment Size
week1journalentry.docx 36.54 KB
week16journalentry.docx 33.84 KB
Average: 4.9 (8 votes)


Heather Muns Tue, 01/08/2013 - 11:05am

I really like this and it has given me some great ideas about creating a CATS relating to the novel Luna.  I find that my students have very different opinions about the idea of being transgender after reading the novel as compaired to before.  I would like to explore this further and collect data support it.  

Steven Peist Tue, 01/08/2013 - 11:06am

This assessment really gives a context to the discussion and allows for evolution of thought and practice.  In CRE 101, we teach Luna, a novel about a transgender youth, and it is quite an eye-opener for our students.  This assessment raises the bar on every level.  Additionally, it is multi-faceted and covers many perspectives.

Christina Van Tue, 01/08/2013 - 11:19am

Great, interesting work. I find the same thing in my gender class- that they start out not believing inequality is still and issue, and leave with deeply changed beliefs. But the most important piece of your intervention/assessment is to encourage them to think about and record social action that results from their learning.
