Service Learning Reflections & Social, Civic, Global Responsibility (SCGR)

Submitted by Roselyn Turner on

Student reflection is an integral aspect of effective Service Learning practices and should demonstrate both Academic and Affective learning. In the past I used student-self-directed reflection, with minimal guidance or structure. In order to better assess SCGR proficiency, I (1) provided the students the rubrics for this ability, (2) reviewed them carefully, and (3) required adherence to the criteria in the presentation of Informative Speeches, adding the SCGR criteria to the evaluation instrument as part of the content grade. After reviewing the criteria with the students, I observed frustration and confusion regarding the terminology on the rubric, so (4) I had students collaboratively complete the writing guide (created by P. Turner on his CATS).  All students were able to complete the guides, demonstrating understanding of the terminology but also analysis of their issues.

When students delivered the speeches, however, 1/2 forgot to present at least one SCGR aspect.  I added a SCGR slide to the PowerPoint template, and will use this for future Service Learners.

Completed Full Cycle
Course Number
Average: 3.8 (4 votes)


Kelly Loucy Tue, 01/08/2013 - 11:01am

Interesting idea, Ro! I like the idea of linking the reflection more closely with the SCGR rubric, such as requiring the students to reflect on what globally and individually can be done regarding the issue, rather than just what they did individual with the immediate class project. I look forward to reading about the results of your assessment.


Sonya Zetlan Tue, 01/08/2013 - 11:01am

Good idea. Best not to leave them entirely to their own devices! Too variable. You can always leave them a space to "shout out".

Rachel Holmes Tue, 01/08/2013 - 11:03am

I would love to see what this rubric with criteria looks like to get a better understanding of how SCGR was integrated.  I will be doing a great deal of service learning this semester, and I would appreciate your ideas on how you structure the reflections.  

Olga Tsoudis Tue, 01/08/2013 - 11:09am

Hi Ro, I like how you combined the two areas- service learning and social, civic and global responsibility. The two are so connected yet we sometimes forget that. I also like how you decided to try out more structure for the self reflection. It will be interesting to see if you see a difference in the reflections. I also think including the self reflection in the speeches is a great way for students to share and learn from each other. Looking forward to the results and your feedback on what you think abou them.