EMCC's Honors Department designed the first Exposition Fair to allow all students to showcase their work in different formats including roundtables for students to discuss their work in progress, poster displays, oral presentations and interactive displays. David Weaver was our keynote speaker and responses from participant surveys evaluating the Exposition Fair were overwhelmingly positive! Almost two-thirds of survey participants (N=90) reported that they did not know about the Makerspace and strongly agreed that they liked the interactive nature of the fair as well as the variety of projects presented. Honors students who presented/attended prior Honors Expo also reported that they appreciated the various types of projects presented including a dance/poetry presentation and that the non-judging component allowed for greater creativity in projects. More than 80% of participants reported that they would consider presenting next year. Presenters received feedback on their presentations via evaluations that were filled out by attendess and reported the valuable nature of this format compared to no feedback in prior Honors Expos.
Full STEAM Ahead!: An Assessment of EMCC's First Exposition Fair
Completed Full Cycle
Assessment of the Month
Norma and Vickie, Great work at the Exposition Fair. It was a wonderful teaching moment for students and employees....outside of the classroom! Smiles, Olga
In reply to Norma and Vickie Great work at the Exposition Fair It by Olga Tsoudis
And thank you for your participation! The iPad display was AMAZING!
Excellent job! An idea I had for you was to measure the amount of faculty attendance/participation for this fair. You and your team did an amazing job of marketing this fair. For instance, I saw many emails prior, and received flyers at my office.
Thank you for creating this wonderful event to showcase of our students accomplishments!
In reply to Norma Excellent job An idea I had for you was to by Catherine Cochran
Good suggestion, Catherine. We were able to capture that data but didn’t report it here.
Norma - This event was wonderful. Thank you for opening the experience to all students, which reflects inclusiveness and encourages diversity. Students from my PSY 230 class were able to present their projects and gain the valuable experience of presenting in front of others. And the keynote speaker - David Weaver - was AWESOME! Your dedication to students and student success is evident in every aspect of this event. Brava!
Thanks for another CATS on the great things you are doing in honors and PTK. What will you be doing in the spring? Will the Student Success Conference have a similar format in the spring?