Will a peer sample motivate growth?

Submitted by Christina Van on

In the 3rd week of PSY 101 students have to complete an assignment critical to college success (locating a research article in an academic journal on a specific topic and providing a summary, APA style reference, & informed opinion).  Recognizing that this task is usually just beyond the students' current abilities, I use extensive scaffolding to support their acquisition of these important skills. Nonetheless, grades on this assignment remain low and approximately 60 % of students are unable to successfully complete the full task. I have given samples of what I expect but this hasn't raised the frequency of success as much as hoped.  This semester I am providing a sample of a successful paper submitted by a 1st year student last semester, with the author's identity disclosed, to test the idea that identifying a peer who succeeded with similar challenges will provoke greater effort and ultimately greater success.

It worked! See results in separate CATS.

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Assessment of the Month
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Teri Graham Tue, 01/23/2018 - 10:17am


I look forward to seeing how the sample paper motivates and assists students.  Will you be receiving feedback from students in reference to this project and their perceived benefits of the sample?

Becky Baranowski Tue, 01/23/2018 - 12:42pm


I am looking forward to seeing your results.  Thanks for taking time to submit this CATS to help you get started on your evaluation of student learning.