4DX: A Glance at the Math Division WIG

Submitted by Bobbi Mohr on
What is the Purpose of the Assessment?

EMCC Strategic Plan Super Goal #1 to increase the number of graduates/completers by 25% with equity by Academic Year 2023.

Describe the necessity for this assessment

Aligns to MCCCD Strategic Priority 1 – Goal 1b (Improve Student Success). The goal aims to ensure improvements are equitably distributed for gender and ethnicity/race. 

Describe how the practice will be implemented

In conjunction with the 4DX campus initiative, the math division developed the following WIG:  To contribute to closing the equity gap and improving a student’s sense of belonging, the Mathematics Division will increase the student’s response average on the twenty questions of the Classroom Community Survey (Rovai, 2002) from a 2.2 to 2.5 by December 2021, where 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neutral, 3 = agree, and 4 = strongly agree.

Interpret, compare, and describe the results

The math division introduced a pre and post survey in Fall 21 related to a student’s sense of belonging.  Students reported an average score of 2.7898 on the pre survey and an average score of 2.8893 on the post survey.  Residential faculty reported what types of activities/practices were implemented in their classes to increase a student's sense of belonging.  

After analyzing, and reflecting on the outcome, what are the next steps?

Incorporating weekly strategies (reported monthly in Fall 2021) did positively influence the increase in the student’s response score on the sense of belonging survey.  Because faculty were intentional about the implementation of certain instructional activities, students reported these activities improved their sense of belonging.  In AY 22-23, the math division will adjust the WIG to focus on SLO data and use the student survey as a lead measure.


In conjunction with the 4DX campus initiative and the EMCC Super Goal #1, the math division developed the following WIG:  To contribute to closing the equity gap and improving a student’s sense of belonging, the Mathematics Division will increase the student’s response average on the twenty questions of the Classroom Community Survey (Rovai, 2002) from a 2.2 to 2.5 by December 2021.  Residential faculty reported what types of activities/practices were implemented in their classes to increase a student's sense of belonging.  Students reported an average score of 2.7898 on the pre survey and an average score of 2.8893 on the post survey.  The math division exceeded the initial goal of moving from 2.2 to 2.5.  Incorporating weekly strategies did positively influence the increase in the student’s response score on the sense of belonging survey.  In AY 22-23, the math division will adjust the WIG to focus on SLO data and use the student survey as a lead measure.

Completed Full Cycle
Course Number
MAT 103 - MAT 276
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Level Outcomes
Average: 4.8 (104 votes)


Catherine Cochran Tue, 03/29/2022 - 2:24pm

Hi Bobbi!

Thank you for submitting a CATS!  

You and your colleagues were able to gather some interesting information from our students.  I thought it was interesting that students responded favorablly to "responding within 24 hours" to their communication.  This is a nice reminder to continue to engage with our students outside of the classroom.  

Also, I liked how you incorporated our counseling faculty to help support our students.  

Great work!
