General Education Ability: Writing Composition, Spring 2016 Results

Submitted by Peter Turner on

In Spring 2016 SAAC conducted its semester assessment in Writing/Composition, one of seven general education abilities at EMCC. Data was collected from 8 sections with 182 students in 2016, compared to 214 in 2013. 7 instructors implemented this assessment in 2016, as compared to 8 in 2013. The reduced number was attributed to the fact that two abilities were assessed in 2016, as opposed to one in 2013. The areas assessed in W/C were Content, Clarity, and Editing. See attached Ppt.  Results showed the strongest area to be Content, with an average score of 2.48 out of 4. The area for greatest improvement was Editing, with an overall average of 1.81.  Due to the variability of assessments, shifts in rubric wording, classes, and student levels (as compared to 2012), it is not reliable to draw inferences from the data from a comparative standpoint. Results were presented at a Classroom Conversation and Leadership Council in November, and notes were taken to improve the process in the future (see attachment). 

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