For students to familiarize themselves with the tutoring appointment procedures.
Students in Spanish classes can benefit from synchronous (conversation) practice, yet they are not utilizing the tutoring services available. During the last academic year, 3 students sought tutoring in the Fall and 3 in the Spring.
This semester, some students in my classes reported challenges while trying to schedule appointments. With the help of the tutoring center, we were able to identify and solve the issue.
In addition, we now have better handouts and presentations to guide students. The purpose of this activity is to ensure students know how to schedule a tutoring appointment via Brainfuse and Cranium Café and can teach others how to do so.
In my hybrid SPA101 class, the activity consisted of students teaching a peer how to set up a tutoring appointment.
After the activity, all participating students were able to demonstrate how to schedule a tutoring appointment in person, or online, via Brainfuse or Cranium.
Students teach peers how to schedule Spanish tutoring sessions to practice conversation via Cranium and Brainfuse.