September 2015

The Value of Authentic Learning Experiences in Building Confidence and Teaching Skills

Submitted by Rachel Holmes on

The EDU students at EMCC strive to become future preK-12th grade teachers.  I strive to prepare my students for the reality of teaching by teaching the students to lesson plan, to provide effective instruction,  and in maintaining strong classroom management.   For the past 3 years, my students have learned the foundational skills in each area through in-class lesson plan writing and teaching their lessons to peers.  While this is valuable practice,  it is not the same as actually teaching children.   In or

What's Happening? On Campus at EMCC

Submitted by Jennifer Elliott on

Observation is the heart and soul of cultural anthropolgy. For ASB 214, an Intro to Comparative Religion, I assigned the class to view a video explaining the basics of ethnrographic research. For the next class, I paired them up and assigned each pair to observe a specific "culture area" on campus, i.e. the studuent union, the bookstore, etc. They had to develop a research question (Which do students use more often for purchases? Cash or debit?), observe their area for 20 mins and take observation notes, then analyze their findings. Were they able to answer their research question?

Utilizing Smart Thinking to Improve Writing Scores

Submitted by Jamie Lopez on

As a part of an online early childhood education course I will require students to turn their first paper into Smart Thinking before submitting their final paper. The paper that is submitted for a grade must also include the draft and notes from Smart Thinking in order to receive credit for the paper.  This is the first of three papers that students will write for the semester.  I am interested in tracking:

Verify student completion of in-class examples (Excel Spreadsheets)

Submitted by Frederick Maihofer on

In prior semesters, I would verify that students completed the example spreadsheet exercises in ACC111 by visual walking around the room.  With 32 students, this is almost impossible to complete efficiently.  As of Fall 2015, I have added the example spreadsheet exercises to the Attendance/Participation Assignment.  Student now complete the exercise and submit for credit.  Satisfies the attendance and insures participation.  I am able to assess that students can perform the necessary Excel functions that will be needed for homework and chapter quizzes.  Student

ASL Expression Videos in Online SLG 102

Submitted by display_name_fallback on

Unit 7: Describing people's appearance and their actions.  I posted my video and picture.  I narrated based on the picture - about two men riding on a motorbike approaching two unsuspecting women near a shopping area.  I describe their appearances/clothing as shown on the picture, then I describe their actions.  A man at the back of the motorbike suddenly grabbed a purse and they ran away.  After students watch my ASL narration, they are expected to find a different picture that show at least two people with their action.