October 2018

"Becoming Your Best You" Workshop Assessment

Submitted by Erik Huntsinger on

Many people struggle balancing the multiple committments and priorities they have in their professional and personal lives.  I developed this workshop as a framework to help individuals, no matter their background or goals, consider who they want to be in life (their roles/core values), create a four or six month strategic plan to determine big goals aligned with those roles/core values, and how to make progress towards those goals on a weekly and even daily basis.  After running the workshop in September, I noticed that most participants were able to articulate what the four step

Multiple choice or written, does it matter?

Submitted by Sonya Zetlan on

46 students took an exam with 50% multiple choice and 50% written. A  t test showed no significant different between the grades from the 2 question types. Linear regression analysis showed an R squared value of .6.  A student getting -8 on the MC, was likely to get close to a -8 on the written.  This suggests to me that test preparation is more important than the type of question asked, but written portions will encourage additional development of writing skills.