Submitted by Teri Graham on
What is the Purpose of the Assessment?

To colloborate within our district and nationally to enhance our assessment practices.

Describe the necessity for this assessment

As our campus focuses on streamlining our assessment processes, the co-chairs felt it would be beneficial to invite a speaker to share their assessment practices

Describe how the practice will be implemented

The Assessment Director from Kansas State University came for two days.  Dr. Burrack met with the co-chairs for 3 hours to colloborate and share best practices.  He then spoke at a luncheon for the Administration and key stakeholders to share his experience with Criterion 4.  After the luncheon, he presented to the Assessment Committee how his campus uses Canvas to streamline data collection.  Finally, he scheduled individual appointments with key stakeholders.

Interpret, compare, and describe the results

The information shared was very beneficial and the assessment team will more than likely strive to implement several of Dr. Burrack's suggestions in a format that will work within a community college framework.

After analyzing, and reflecting on the outcome, what are the next steps?

The co-chairs will meet with all of the key stakeholders to discuss and implement any of the assessment practices shared that we feel will benefit our students' success as well as our ability to assess their progress.

Completed Full Cycle
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