Accounting Chapter 6 Re-Teach

Submitted by Sylvia Ong on

Since rolling-out a new accounting textbook in Fall of 2015, covering three courses, ACC111, ACC230, & ACC240, the decision was made to move chapter 6, Inventory Valuation, from ACC111 to ACC230, effective Spring 2016.  The purpose of this CATS is to attempt to measure what was learned on this topic from last semester to this semester, after my Spring teaching intervention (candy example).  Here is the CATS design:  (1) A pre-assessment quiz will be administered at the beginning of the Spring semester to determine students who completed ACC111 last semester, and who did not use the candy example (accounting instructors other than me). (2) After my teaching intervention (candy example), which is an interactive group assignment using candy as an additional learning incentive, the same quiz (it is attached) will be administered as a post-assessment/summative quiz.  Both formative and summative data will then be compared to see if my teaching intervention of the candy example helped students learn more about inventory valuation than they knew from last semester.  (Please see attached histograms of both quiz results & my final results.) 

Completed Full Cycle
Course Number
Assessment of the Month
Average: 4.8 (4 votes)


Peter Turner Mon, 03/21/2016 - 11:40am

You truly followed the Action Research Cycle, Sylvia! You planned, implemented, assessed, and adjusted accordingly. I especially appreciate that you have learned from this experience and will modify your practices accordingly!

Bronwen Steele Tue, 03/22/2016 - 6:33am

This was amazing. Well designed, very clear and easy to follow with well presented data. I liked your thoughts/analysis indicating improvement inscores but still not up to par and that this would probably improve when done as a quiz. Excellent cycle Sylvia.