Title Author Full Cycle Created Sort ascending Updated
Practice Practical for BIO 160 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Rebecca Currey Yes
"Le Repertoire de la Cuisine" Textbook Assessment Jon Hill Yes
Trigonometry: Teaching concepts "out of order" and contextualizing content Becky Baranowski Yes
Twice as many in half the time: Effective recruiting strategies for increasing PTK membership Norma Jimenez Hernandez Yes
If Men Could Menstruate: It's All in the Directions in the Assignment Olga Tsoudis Yes
Piloting an Online Tutorial: Moving Towards Intervention Elisabeth Rodriguez Yes
Utilizing Canvas Outside of the Classroom Jake Ormond Yes
Creating teamwork and collaboration through the use of Popsicle sticks Amy Johnson No
Biology Faculty Search - Strategies to hire the best Shannon Manuelito Yes
Comparing Final Exam Scores Becky Baranowski Yes
Destroying the Box: Learning to Unleash Creativity Learner Inquiry Group Erin Blomstrand No
Excavation Journal: Mining the Creative Mind Erin Blomstrand No
Increasing Student Comprehension and Engagement James Cerven Yes
Creation of a Calculus Concept Inventory Exam Becky Baranowski No
Learning About Culture In A Fun Way:Community Wide Black History Month Event Linda Cutright No
I want to go green, but will it bring down my mean? Examining differences in mean scores using paper vs. electronic quizzes in statistics courses Erica Wager Yes
Increasing Student Participation...with some chocolate Dori Navarette-Lynch Yes
MAT091 Common Final Exam S16 F16 Sarah Lockhart Yes
MAT081 Common Final Exam S16 F16 Sarah Lockhart Yes
Why do I HAVE to go to tutoring?: Engagement with tutors is statistically significant Norma Jimenez Hernandez Yes
Feminist Club Workshop- Students Engaging Students Olga Tsoudis Yes
Counseling Division Mini-Retreat Catherine Cochran Yes
Summer Success Institute - Round 1 Melinda Sanchez No
Using Prezi to Make Research Writing Projects More Successful Jill Santy Yes
Learning Inquiry Grant: Who stays, who doesn't and why?: A survival analysis of BSCS students in non-prerequisite required courses. Olga Tsoudis Yes