Assessment Through Simulation

Submitted by Jennifer Kline on

Instructors are tasked with having to prepare EMT students for work in pre-hospital, in-hospital and now more recently, mobile integrated healthcare settings.  The use of simulation in the classroom helps prepare students for the workplace by exposing them to a broad variety of situations they may encounter by allowing them to apply knowledge and skills without endangering a live patient.  During the simulation the students are placed in an environment set to a standardized patient scenario with a variety of sensory distractors such as props, smells, patient actors with moulage (makeup), and bystanders.  The patient in the simulation responds directly to the care that is being rendered by the student(s).  If the patient deteriorates the student(s) may need to adjust their care regimen. The instructor evaluates the student using a score sheet and feedback is provided immediately during a team debrief.   We have found that simulation builds critical thinking, teamwork and communication skills and the students are more prepared to enter the workforce and have noticed a 20% increase in first time pass for their final skills exam.  

Completed Full Cycle
Course Number
Average: 4.5 (2 votes)


Becky Baranowski Mon, 10/17/2016 - 12:53pm

Hi Jennifer - I am so happy to see a CATS submitted for the simulation lab!  By any chance, do you have any data/information prior to being in the lab that shows how students perform as compared to how they do after being in the lab?  I am so excited to see more of what the SWSC is doing in their classrooms.  Thanks for sharing. 

Jennifer Kline Mon, 10/17/2016 - 1:41pm

Initially, our National Registry Psychomotor Skills Examination first time pass rate was 70% of the students.  The remainder of the students passed on retest attempt, with exception to one student.  After the use of simulation and feedback mechanisms threaded throughout the course their performance not only improved during their Emergency Patient Management Simulations,  we were now seeing 90% of our students passing on first attempt for their Psychomotor Skills Examination with 100% passing on retest attempt.  

Peter Turner Mon, 10/17/2016 - 1:54pm

Wow, from 70% passing rate to 90%! That is impressive. I suggest you put those results either in your blurb or in a seperate attachment, to show the weight of this strategy. Well done!

Catherine Cochran Tue, 10/18/2016 - 11:10am


This is a great method to provide real life scenrios.  I appreciate the effort and planning given with your students. I would believe their critical thinking skills and quick response would improve too.  Excellent job!