Literature Circles: Second Go-Round

Submitted by Erin Blomstrand on

I utilized Literature Circles as a method for creating stronger community in online classes, deepening the engagement between students, and practicing group work in prep for the course final. Students were in 1 group for duration of the semester, each group given additional readings to read, analyze and report out using the Literature Circles roles. The student in the Connector role would collect the student’s work and post it in Canvas for grading and students would switch roles on their own each week. At the end of each four-week period, students used the evaluation sheet to grade group members.

I have used this technique in ENH202 and have made modifications to the original assignment for this class.

Completed Full Cycle
Course Number


Joseph LaGraffe Thu, 01/12/2017 - 11:05am

I really appreciate how this not only allows the students to engage interpersonally, but also that students cannot piggyback off of the comments of others.

Kelly Loucy Thu, 01/12/2017 - 11:12am

Erin, do you also give the students points based on how their grade members evaluate them? For instance, if the students rate someone poorly, do they get fewer points? Or do you contact the student and let him/her know how the group members rated him/her? Does how someone gets rated affect which group you assign him/her with the next assignment?

I'm excited to try this in my online class!


Norma Jimenez Hernandez Thu, 01/12/2017 - 11:16am


I look forward to seeing your results.  I'm glad you included a section for comments.  Even though I see why you don't allow students to rate themselves, you might want to include an open-ended section for students to comment on their personal experience with the literature circles that would receive credit if they completed it to encourage participation.  I've found this type of feedback from students to be invaluable in terms of modifying new initiatives that I implement in my classes.

Becky Baranowski Thu, 03/23/2017 - 9:16am

Hi Erin - I would like to discuss this further with you.  I am curious about this technique.  I am not familiar with the online learning environment, and this concept is intriguing.  I will chat with you next time I see you.