Information Literacy Assessment

Submitted by Terry Meyer on

Using SAAC’s EMCC General Education Abilities Matrix the residential librarians assessed 4 key Information Literacy competencies; Framing the Research Question, Accessing Sources, Evaluation of Information Resources and Create Original Work.

The librarians created a rubric  which defined each of the 4 Information Literacy competencies and rated each on a clearly defined 3 level scale. Data was collected from 13 courses for a total of  24 sections.  346 students took part in the study. 

Findings: 87% of the students meet or exceed our standards for Framing the Research Question and 81% of the students meet or exceed our standards for Create Original Work. Eng102 students with librarian instruction had inproved information literacy skills.The weakest areas were Accessing Sources and Evaluation of Information Resources.

The librarians are holding meetings on strategies for improving students abilities in Accessing Sources and Evaluation of Information Resources.


Completed Full Cycle
Course Number
BIO 105
BIO 160
CIS 105
COM 225
ECN 211/212
EDU 222
ENG 101
ENG 102
PSY 101
SOC 212
Attachment Size
saac-information-literacy-report-2011.docx 20.73 KB
appendix.docx 16.5 KB
appendix-b.docx 106.74 KB
appendix-c.docx 81.74 KB
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Erik Huntsinger Wed, 09/12/2012 - 9:39am

Being close to the general education assessment program, I think the Information Literacy assessment is a model for how these studies can be effective.  We collected real student assignments that we know they tried on (since it was tied to their grades), and got solid evidence on where they were strong and weak.  Just as importantly, the Librarians are using that information to make changes so that when we assess again, we can see if the intervention had an impact.  The leadership from Terry on this and the rest of the librarians proved crucial to its success- kudos!