
Note cards in a math classroom

Submitted by Luvia Rivera on

Graphing Linear Equations is one of the most difficult concepts for students enrolled in MAT 091. There are many different equations, formulas, and concepts that all build on each other. Every year my students struggle with this exam and no matter how I presented this information or interventions I made, nothing seemed to make it better. In previous years I had suggested to students to make note cards but I didn't give them any guidance on how to create them and I did not follow through to make sure they completed the note cards.

Charting My Progress: Using Graphs to Interpret Clinical /Lab Data in BIO 202

Submitted by Muhammad Sandhu on

To take Acid Base Physiology from the classroom to the application level, analysis of clinical scenarios and lab values data is an essential part of learning in BIO202. In order to achieve this objective, we have used the format of lecture and practice problems. At times, I felt the students were having difficulty in grasping the basic concept and then applying it to analyze the given problem to reach diagnosis and predict compensation. Studies have shown that graphic representation of complex clinical data assist in its interpretation.

Lead By Example: Providing Student Examples To Improve Student Submissions

Submitted by Heather Muns on

In my RDG courses my students complete weekly Reading Response Journals (RRJ). Students are required to read anything they would like and fill out a template with required information about what they read. They are required to format the information in a specific way. I observed that students consistently struggled with the correctly formatting the document and making sure they included all the correct information, and were losing many points as a result. I had provided detailed instructions on how to format the document/information but students were still struggling.

Intro to Summations - PowerPoint vs. Handouts

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

In calculus I, summation notation is introduced for finding area under a curve using an infinite number of rectangles. From Fall 04 to Spring 15, I utilized a Power Point to introduce the concept. A lecture would be given with interactive moments throughout the lesson. Students would try problems on their own and in teams. The scores on the exam averaged a mid to high D. Approximately 40% of the class would show little to no work on summation problems. Each semester, the lesson would be updated. Yet, exam scores stayed at a D average with no improvement on summations.

Using Folders for Cooperative Learning

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

Note: This CATS is being submitted by Rebecca Baranowski, Michelle Breaux, Teri Graham, Sarah Lockhart and Luvia Rivera. In summer 2015, these math faculty attended the Johnson & Johnson Cooperative Learning Institute at SMCC. One of the suggested activities for increasing cooperative learning is to put folders on the tables at the beginning of class. Inside of the folders is a warm up for students to work on together. The institute suggested having only 1-2 sheets of paper in the folder to "force" students to talk to each other about the documents in the folder.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em: Applying Softchalk Principles to Canvas Quizzes

Submitted by Diane Stonebrink on

When developing the online GER101 online piloted Fall 2015, I created modules in which students were presented with video, audio, & text content on a topic.  Various speaking & writing assignments were given, and then a Canvas Quiz was given to assess comprehension.  I soon noticed students were going straight to quizzes without accessing Canvas content pages first.  After unsuccessful exhortations to go through modules in order, I finally decided, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em".

Assessing the Trigonometry Hybrid "Getting Started" Module

Submitted by Steven Boettcher on

The beginning of the course is dedicated to helping students become familiar with the Canvas system, and the specific requirements for submitting online assignments for the class. The requirements for submitting online assignments for this class may be different from other online classes students have had. Especially since MyMathLab isn’t used. In-class and out-of-class practice will prepare students to submit online assignments and check their grade. An online survey (quiz) will measure if students "understand" the Getting Started assignments.

Improvement in the classroom learning through voice threads and classroom activities (Nursing 152)

Submitted by Romanie Brooks-Dillon on

This assessment is to help with the concerns of the students overall learning objectives, test scores, application in the nursing clinical setting, and critical thinking knowledge. We attacked the problem by doing a classroom assessment of all 29 students. The outcome of the assessment showed that learning and testing was on a roller coaster ride. So we became innovated and created voice threads with power points to be done at home, and the classroom became the s environment for active learning.

The Value of Authentic Learning Experiences in Building Confidence and Teaching Skills

Submitted by Rachel Holmes on

The EDU students at EMCC strive to become future preK-12th grade teachers.  I strive to prepare my students for the reality of teaching by teaching the students to lesson plan, to provide effective instruction,  and in maintaining strong classroom management.   For the past 3 years, my students have learned the foundational skills in each area through in-class lesson plan writing and teaching their lessons to peers.  While this is valuable practice,  it is not the same as actually teaching children.   In or

Verify student completion of in-class examples (Excel Spreadsheets)

Submitted by Frederick Maihofer on

In prior semesters, I would verify that students completed the example spreadsheet exercises in ACC111 by visual walking around the room.  With 32 students, this is almost impossible to complete efficiently.  As of Fall 2015, I have added the example spreadsheet exercises to the Attendance/Participation Assignment.  Student now complete the exercise and submit for credit.  Satisfies the attendance and insures participation.  I am able to assess that students can perform the necessary Excel functions that will be needed for homework and chapter quizzes.  Student

Prelab for classes

Submitted by Levi Torrison on

Most chemistry labs are of the "cookbook" style, the labs are a series of steps to perform in the alloted time and not much thought goes into the performance.  The other option is to give students a problem to solve and then give them free reign to design a lab.  Many of the students have no idea where to begin the design phase of a lab and end up just looking up a cookbook lab and trying to make it work.  The other problem with the free reign option is safety and logistics with the laboratory prep.  Is it a safe lab?

Are they really warming up?

Submitted by Luvia Rivera on

At the beginning of each class I post 3-4 questions on the board to review the previous day's information.  This also allows time for me to take attendance and set up the classroom for the days activity. I would allow about 10 min. for this activity and then have students present their solution.  I did not collect the papers.  There was not much accountability and some student's would purposefully come in late to avoid the work.  

White Cell Table

Submitted by Bronwen Steele on

Teaching immunology is very complex. Understanding what white cells do in fighting pathogens (disease organisms) is difficult for students. For several years I had students fill out a white cell table as homework - name of cell, function, and does it move in the body. I tell students to have it ready for the next lecture. I then have students write on a blank table on the board filling in info at the next lecture. I did not any assessment to see if this table worked.

Inspired by Proust: A Multi-Sensory Approach to Memorizing Principle Verb Parts in ESL

Submitted by Diane Stonebrink on

Drawing inspiration from French philospher Marcel Proust, who wrote of the connection between involuntary memories & physical stimuli (e.g. smell),  students were given 10 study cards which were color, flavor, & scent-coordinated to facilitate memorization of English principle verb parts (simple, simple past, & past participle forms) in an ESL030 Grammar III course.

Practice does make perfect with Graphing in MAT 182

Submitted by Jennifer Shannon on

Students in MAT 182 seem to constantly struggle with the graphing section in the course. I have added days in for practice, given worksheets and still results seem to be lower than I was expecting. This current semester I continued with the practice worksheet that has 10 graphing problems where they are to use a table to help them graph, identify amplitude, phase shift and period, as well as of course graph the function. However, this semester I tried giving them two separate packets where all I did was change the numbers around and change a few numbers in the function.