Face to Face

What's your favorite field in anthropology?

Submitted by Kristy Miller on

Every anthropology class starts with an explanation of anthropology and the fact that there are four main sub-fields in anthropology (i.e. Archaeology, Cultural, Linguistics, Physical.)  Each anthropologist specializes in one of these fields.  At the beginning of the semester each field is discussed, explained, and students are encouraged to think of examples of each.  After understanding the fields, they are asked which of the fields they think they would like best.

It's all about that Book, 'bout that Book...

Submitted by Roselyn Turner on

In Fall 2014 I re-designed my COM225 Public Speaking course into a 5-week "Fast Track to Completion" format.  When I recalled having taught Summer sessions (which are also 5 weeks in duration), I remembered that students had difficulty completing the reading assignments from the established textbook--it was quite lengthy (and expensive).  But, I wanted to see if taking the course during the regular semester might make a difference in student engagement with the textbook.  Dismal results. Only about 75% of the students were reading and comple

Using a How To Screencast to find Peer Reviewed Articles

Submitted by Shannon Manuelito on

My BIO 160 students often have difficulty identifying and locating peer reviewed resources for a disease research paper. I have worked with the EMCC librarians to show students databases, citation tools, and a discussion of peer revied versus popular articles. At this time the students used the library website and found two potential resources. To improve this process, Jennifer Wong has created a screencast that shows how to use the library website to locate resources.

Bringing Labs into Differential Equations

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

The goal of these assessments was to engage students in hands on experiments similiar to a science lab.   Students always ask why differential equations is so important in STEM fields.  So, two labs were done in my differential equations class.  One was using thermometers and checking their accuracy (how long does it take for the thermometer to get back to body temperature after drinking cold water, doing jumping jacks, and chewing gum (placebo)).  The 2nd one was to verify that a mass spring system follows a 2nd order differential equation.

Practice does make perfect with Graphing in MAT 182

Submitted by Jennifer Shannon on

Students in MAT 182 seem to constantly struggle with the graphing section in the course. I have added days in for practice, given worksheets and still results seem to be lower than I was expecting. This current semester I continued with the practice worksheet that has 10 graphing problems where they are to use a table to help them graph, identify amplitude, phase shift and period, as well as of course graph the function. However, this semester I tried giving them two separate packets where all I did was change the numbers around and change a few numbers in the function.

Pretest Accounting Knowledge from ACC111 to ACC230

Submitted by Frederick Maihofer on

The accounting faculty has adopted a new text book for the accounting sequence ACC111-ACC230-ACC240.  All content is contained in one text, thus reducing the overall cost to the student.  A good deal of the basic content in ACC111 will be repeated in a condensed version in ACC230.  In order to determine the retention from ACC111 to ACC230 I am developing a pretest on Canvas to see what basic accounting knowledge will need to be highlighted during the first few lesson modules.

Will Increasing The Number of Practical Examples of a Difficult Science Concept Improve Understanding?

Submitted by Charles Bell on

Biology concepts like tonicity are difficult to grasp, especially for students in BIO100.Most students “get it” when a concept is applied to their lives. But the question is, will more practical applications translate to a better understanding of the concept?

No, you can't use your book for the quiz: Comparing quiz scores with and without class materials

Submitted by Norma Jimenez Hernandez on

I traditionally assess whether students are reading using a 10-question multiple choice quiz per chapter.  Students asked if they could use their notes and/or books.  I allowed students in my MWF PSY230 course to use their notes/books for the quizzes while those in the T TH  section were not allowed to do so.  I kept track of how long it took students to complete the quizzes and their average quiz scores over a ten week period.

Student Understanding in PHY131 coming from LC vs Traditional

Submitted by Dwain Desbien on

This fall I compared (Like Becky Baranowski had done for Calc 2) students coming from the PHY 121 traditional class versus those in PHY121/MAT221 Learning community on the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism. While the numbers are small (n=12 from LC and n=10 from traditional) it was interesting to compare. Both groups had essentially the same pretest score (LC 18.2% and Trad 18.3%) but differed on the post test (LC 67% and trad 52%). Since the numbers are small I will be adding the students from this spring semester to try and get more statistically reliable numbers

Using the Online writing center for better results on essays in Reading

Submitted by Steven Peist on

Since Spring 2013, I have required students to submit their drafts to the Online writng center for feedback.  Over the past several semesters, I have seen their average scores go from 43 out of 60 on increase to 52 out of 60 on the short essay and from 62 out of 80 on the long essay to 70 out of 80 on the long essay.  I have made some revisions using submission links to canvas and hope to close the loop at the end of the semester for RDG 095, RDG 091, CRE 101 and RDG 081.

Learning Students' Names

Submitted by Jennifer Brown on

Although students do a lot of small group work (and participate in class discussions), they often don’t know each other’s names – sometimes not even those of their own groups. At the end of the semester, students still ask me who “so and so” is so they can return peer reviewed papers.

Thermometer Accuracy

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

In my differential equations class, students ran an experiment on the accuracy of a nondigital thermometer.  Most directions for use of nondigital thermometers say to leave under the tongue for 2 minutes, so students tested the accuracy of this.   Three groups performed different activities for two minutes (cheweing gum (placebo group), jumping jacks, and drinking a cold refreshing beverage).  Students collected temperature readings every 30 seconds for 4 minutes.  Data was run through Logger Pro, and students analyzed data using best fit lines.