Face to Face


Submitted by Jennifer Elliott on

To cover textbook material, I assign the students sections to present. In Cultural Anthropology classes, this is assigned by Cultural Area. I allow students to choose a partner to present with and provide them a list of possible topics. They are to sign up on a first-come, first-serve basis. The requirements are that the presentations cover the textbook material, as well as include at least one outside source. The presentations should be about 10 minutes, for about 2 minutes for questions, etc. They include slides, pictures, and video.

Does incorporating a kinesthetic assignment improve student learning of a complex topic?

Submitted by Rachel Smith on

Gene expression is a complex multi-step process that students struggle to learn. There are many terms to memorize and then students need to remember the functions and roles of all the molecular players and the order in which each molecule participates in the overall process. I currently use lecture, diagrams, animations, a worksheet and websites to teach this topic and I have also incorporated a hands-on lab using manipulatives where the students create their own working model of gene expression using yarn, foam pieces, pasta, playdoh, post-its and other random junk (see attached pics).

BIO 160 Common Lab Final

Submitted by Shannon Manuelito on

This semester I have developed a common lab final for the BIO 160 sections offered here at EMCC. This common final will incorporate laboratory activities performed during the semester and is a cumulative final. The common lab final should serve to support similar curriculum across across all sections offered here at EMCC. 

Results from this final will help me identify lab activies that need refinement as well as commonly misunderstood concepts from the class.

Student-Created Assessments

Submitted by Rachel Holmes on

Students should be working, thinking, analyzing, creating, etc. throughout the day and guiding a large part of their own learning. Having students create their own assessments ensures that they are held accountable to actively listen during class and that they are thinking at a higher level about what they've learned.

Phase 2 - Following Students in Calc/Physics Learning Community

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

In summer 2014, the calculus III workbook was updated to incorporate more physics with the calculus curriculum.  In fall 2014, students are using this new workbook.  Of the 31 students in the class, 7 of them took the calculus/physics learning community in fall 2013.  All but 2 of the remaining 24 students have had (or are currently in) PHY121/PHY131. 

But I’m too young!! “A case study of ovarian cancer”

Submitted by Anil Kapoor on

This clicker case study will be designed to use existing knowledge gained from class helping make connections between what they might consider separate concepts (chemistry, mitosis, genetics and cancer). This case study will allow student to plan and diagnose, treatment plan, analyze the results of the treatment plan and evaluate if this treatment plan would be ideal for this particular patient.

What I will assess: I will be assessing the comprehension of material to answer multiple choice questions assessing their knowledge of

Show your thumbs: a quick check for understanding

Submitted by Marcus Eads on

A quick way, I can check for understanding, is by having the students do thumbs up, thumbs down or sideways to a given student answer.

I will give a practice problem and after the students work it out, I will have student either verbally give the answer or write it on the board. Then I will ask class, if they agree with the answer. I will say on the count of three, give thumbs up if you got the same answer, give thumbs down if you got a different answer, and give thumb sidewise if you got stuck and did not finish the problem.

Direction Fields

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

Students struggle with using direction fields to solve a given problem.  In the 1st two semesters, lecture was primarily used with handouts and group work being utlized more in the last 3 semesters.  Students have continually received a C grade on the direction field exam question and a C/B average on homework questions.  In Fall 2014, the handout was modified, and students worked in groups with no guidance from the instructor.  Technology as incorporated as well (MATLAB) to graph the direction fields.

Bacterial Minicases

Submitted by Bronwen Steele on

Minicases provided to students contain info about the bacterium from the patient and the patient signs/symptoms. The objective for the students is to correctly ID which organism causes the infection and explain why to support their answer. Minicases provide info concerning both of the areas(bacteria & patient) in 2-4 sentences. I wanted to see if students could id these two areas cold turkey - no lecture from me, just reading the minicase. The majority of students just identified bacteria info as important - 70%. Only 25% identified both disease info and bacterial info.

Research for the Humannequin Project: Information Literacy Assessment

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

The humannequin project connects academic research with political art on specific gender issues. Students must research their gender issues and provide information from credible, academic sources.  SOC 212 students participated in the Information Literacy Assessment in 2011 and then again in 2014. The four areas in the assessment were (1) framing the research question, (2) accessing sources, (3) evaluation of information, and (4) create original work. The rubric created by the SAAC committee is attached as well as the spreadsheet with results (created by Terry Meyer and James Waugh).

Publishing and Practicing the Rubric

Submitted by Shannon Manuelito on

As a semester research project for BIO 160, I have students research a disease and write a paper and present with a group their research. In past semesters I have simply posted the grading rubric on the LMS. This semester I decided to present the rubric and have students practice using the rubric in efforst to increase student awareness of thier contribution to their grade. I find that students are not fully aware of thier contribution to thier grade. I am hoping that taking the time to teach students how the project will be evaluated will result in higher quality projects.

Hitchhikers thumb or Earwax? Does question wording matter?

Submitted by Rachel Smith on

A question on my BIO156/181 Unit 5 exam addresses Mendelian genetics and the inheritance of a trait from parents. The trait in question is inherited in a simple Mendelian manner (one gene with two alleles, one allele being dominant and the other allele being recessive.)   Originally the question was about hitchhiker's thumb and involved a kind of "double negative" statement, where "lack of the thumb" was dominant.  I think this wording was making it hard for students to think through the problem.