
Using AI for Goal Setting to Enhance Student Success in FYE101

Submitted by Jake Ormond on

This assessment aimed to evaluate how artificial intelligence (AI) impacts student learning by enhancing their ability to craft specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Students in FYE101 often struggle with creating SMART goals, and this course assignment had students use AI to support the refinement of their drafted goals. Students were tasked with developing an academic SMART goal, engaging with an AI tool of their choice to improve it, and reflecting on their experiences with these tools.

EMCC Open House Fall 2023/Fall 2024

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

The "Let’s Get Ready Together" Open House at EMCC was a welcoming and informative event designed to prepare students and their support networks for the upcoming semester. With over 344 students and their support systems in attendance, the event featured faculty, staff, and representatives from multiple departments, offering guidance on academic, financial, and personal resources available on campus. Through lab tours, campus tours, and one-on-one interactions, attendees gained familiarity with campus facilities, course expectations, and support services.

Writing and Implementing a CLO: Using Learning Mastery Goals to Measure Student Success

Submitted by Jill Santy on

After taking a PLC assessment/Tableau workshop, I felt it was important to the new CPD101-A First Year Experience Class that I was teaching online in Fall 2021 to find out if one of the major goals for this new class (being piloted for all 10 MCCCD colleges for Fall 2022) if indeed students were able to correctly match their Field of Interest (FOI) to the associate degree that they were pursuing.

Faculty and Tutor Interaction

Submitted by Rachel Aborne on

The purpose of this qualitative study was to evaluate an environment to determine whether or not it encourages interaction among tutors and faculty. Prior to the intervention in Spring 2020, tutor and faculty interaction was low during pre-semester meet-and-greet sessions; the sessions were conducted in a panel format with tutors comprising the audience. The Spring 2020 session, however, was held in a small-group format, and informal feedback was positive. Formal tutor survey results showed that the small groups enabled more flow of conversation as well as deeper connection.

Content Training Sessions for ASC Tutors

Submitted by Christopher McNeal on

One of the goals of the Academic Success Center is to provide quality tutoring in the content areas of mathematics. These review sessions will contribute to this goal by helping tutors identitfy the gaps in their mathematics content. In addition, the subject material is to be reflected in what is taught in the classroom. Through MOER, the tutors are able to review and refresh math topics throughout the semester. With the content training sessions, we are able to assist students more effectively because the material is fresh in our minds!

It’s not cheating! Win the interview with a cheat sheet in your Career Portfolio..

Submitted by Monica Buensuceso on

CPD 104 is a Career & Personal Development course. Students prepare for a Mock Interview event to learn how to acquire a career with a successful interview. A career portfolio is an assignment my students complete prior to the Mock Interview. Students would have their portfolios but use it only to give a copy of their resume.  Students would also reflect afterwards that they recalled an example they forgot to share when nervous. For fall 2018, I included a cheat sheet into the portfolio, a typed document that has examples for behavioral questions.

Substantive Program Reviews

Submitted by James Waugh on

Program review is a mission-critical strategic planning process and is one critical element of accreditation.  In past years, some departments chose not to complete a program review, while others only did the bare minimum.  Some did stellar work.  Part of the completion problem was length, along with question redundency, and a lack of accountability for its completion.  This year the program review process was redesigned to foster collaboration and accountability between writers and reviewers (Deans/VPs) and to reinforce the application of strategic data for the program.

Kicking Off Hispanic Heritage Month

Submitted by Lorena Chacon on

At the beginning of every HHM event we have a kickoff and collect student surveys for IIE funding. Last year we were concerned because we only received 20 surveys even though we served food for 100+ people. We wanted to have more surveys so we implemented some logistical changes in the kickoff day, this was a.

-We had someone assigned permanently at the survey table. 

- Explained to students the importance of completing the survey.

- Every table/activity encouraged to complete a survey at the end. 

Destroying the Box: Learning to Unleash Creativity Learner Inquiry Group

Submitted by Erin Blomstrand on

We specifically investigated how we can integrate creativity more effectively in the classroom for the benefit of both students and faculty. Our investigation included: reading Creative Confidence, learning more about Design Thinking challenges, locating and sharing creativity resources, using creativity to personally address one teaching challenge, and implementing at least one actitivty/lesson/strategy that we deveop using creativity to at least one class this semester.

The Positive Effects of Service Learning on Students' Emotional Intelligence

Submitted by Jill Santy on

One of my goals in implementing service learning into the CPD150 "Strategies For College Success" curriculum was to enhance students’ academic success by collaborating with a local agency partner. The feedback provided using both a pre- and post-assessment provided measurable insight into the mutual benefits for both students and the agencies they served. Finally, the biggest take-away was the measurement of how transferable the CPD 150 skills that I taught were to the actual service learning.

Integrating Service Learning With EMCC's Learning Philosophy

Submitted by Jill Santy on

I piloted service learning into my three CPD 150 classes (“Strategies for College Success”) Fall 2016 with hopes of integrating authentic educational experiences with real life applications by meeting the needs of both students and volunteer agencies in our community. I worked closely with Landis Elliott in establishing an innovative way to bring service learning into the CPD curriculum while fulfilling EMCC’s “Learning College” philosophy. By adding service learning to the CPD learning objectives, students were able to apply in-class learning (communication skill