Oral Communication

What's your favorite field in anthropology?

Submitted by Kristy Miller on

Every anthropology class starts with an explanation of anthropology and the fact that there are four main sub-fields in anthropology (i.e. Archaeology, Cultural, Linguistics, Physical.)  Each anthropologist specializes in one of these fields.  At the beginning of the semester each field is discussed, explained, and students are encouraged to think of examples of each.  After understanding the fields, they are asked which of the fields they think they would like best.

Sexuality and Critical Inquiry: Improving the Assessment

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

During Fall 2014, SOC 130 (Human Sexuality) particiapted in the SAAC Critical Inquiry Assessment. I have attached the assignment, the SAAC rubric, and the scores for the course. Students created a research project focusing on five areas (averages in parentheses): 1. question/observation (3.91)  2. hypothesis (3.46) 3. planning (3.18) 4. analysis (3.95)  5. conclusion (3.82). The lowest score was in the planning area which is the development of the survey questions which had to connect to testing their hypothesis.

Team Collaboration in Discussion Boards

Submitted by Frederick Lee on

This is an online course with an emphasis on learning the principles of supervisory management in an organizational setting. The method of instruction and level of learning will be measured by the quality of the student’s responses on the Discussion Boards and their application of the principles of management. 

Dealing with Modern Works in Gothic Literature class

Submitted by Susan Malmo on

I have finished creating an online version of ENH235 -- Gothic Literature.  Since I developed the course using OERs (Open Educational Resources), most of the course material involves older works, which can be used without copyright restrictions.  This works out well for the course since most of the course competencies relate to these older works.  However, the students need to be able to apply what they have learned about the historical development of gothic literature to a modern work.

OER Approach to ENH114

Submitted by Susan Malmo on

I developed ENH114 (African-American Literature) as an online course that uses primarily OERs (Open Education Resources, which are free, online resources that can be used and shared.)  I am interested in finding out how this approach works for students -- on the plus side, it will save them money and insure that they have access to course materials when they need them.  However, I want to see how the use of OERs seems to be going -- how effective this approach is, and whether there are any issues.

Democratic Decision Making in an Online/Hybrid Environment

Submitted by Michael Boring on

This assessment modifies the Democratic Decision Making assessment I developed a few years ago. It makes use of discussion boards and surveys to allow students in online and hybrid classes to participate in a democratic process to decide what topics they will study and present.

I use the dicussion feature on Canvas to guide class discussion of which topic (among choices decided upon by the instructor) they would like to study in more depth and present to the class.

Lights, Camera, Action: Did They Really Get It in Sociology Through Film?

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

Sociology Through Film was piloted in Spring 2015 and then taught again in Spring 2016. Each week there are three assignments to sociologically analyze a film (see attached sample). The last assignment during finals week is to sociologically analyze a Disney children's movie by focusing on the 16 weeks of sociological analysis of film. This last assignment assesses whether the students understand the social issues, in addition to applying them to social change.

How will this SOC course impact me after 16 weeks? Thinking about Gen Ed connections in the clasroom

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

After attending a Gen Ed presentation by Erin Blomstrand, I created a finals week assignment on the connection of course material in SOC 212(Gender & Society) to lives outside of Sociology. The assignment was: "How will each of the following topics impact you once you leave this course? Think about your future and the people around you. Are you concerned on how the gender issues will impact you personally and/or others?" Students participated in Spring 2014. Based on results, I created a plan to improve.

Learning Team Assessment Activties

Submitted by Tra Ahia on

To assess students understanding of major theories and content elements I have students present concepts with teammates, or Iearning teams . Students work with a team of 3 to 4 students and present once a week on a topic covered in the chapter we are discussing for that week.

I find that it keeps students connected, helps them manage nervousness they may experience when speaking in front of large groups. They have to check audience understanding by creating a way to involve all classmates.

What? You Want Sexual Rights?: Assessing the Sexual Rights Document for SOC 130

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

Sociology 130, Human Sexuality, focuses on the social, cultural, and institutional contributions to human sexuality. Throughout the semester, students address how society constructs expectations and limitations on sexuality. The last assignment is to create a sexual rights document and to discuss the document with your classmates. The sexual rights document will be assessed through a rubric which focuses on research, sociological imagination, and critical thinking. The SOC 130 online course will be piloted in Spring 2014.


Submitted by Mark Matthews on

In my Intro to Human Com classes, students respond well to the "small-talks" that I assign throughout the course. These talks are 1-2 minute informal speeches that students deliver in front of the class. Explaining their personality test results, reporting on their cultural visits, and relating active listening scenarios are a few examples of the small-talk assignments.

What value do events on campus have? One Billion Rising

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

A survey was completed (N=147) for the One Billion Rising Event. This is a sample of the percentages for responses of Agree and Strongly Agree.  Please see attachment. (1). One purpose of this event was to raise awareness of the global issue of violence against women. My understanding of the global issue of violence against women is greater after attending this event. 88% (2). Another purpose of this event was to encourage a better understanding of how individual action can bring about change in the larger culture and in personal lives.

The "Learning" in Service Learning

Submitted by Roselyn Turner on

Honors students in my Communication courses are required to propose and complete a Service Learning project. Documentation of Cognitive & Affective learning achievement and Critical Thinking skills are to be formally evidenced in a presentation. To promote deeper learning and thinking throughout the semester as the students engage in their projects, I expounded the Project Proposal to include their expected learning outcomes and thinking processes.  Throughout the semester students referred to their proposa

Social Change with Regards to Gender? Finals Week Public Service Announcement Activity

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

During finals week class time, SOC 212 (Gender and Society) students create a public service announcement. The instructions given are "Based on the information you learned on gender and society, what would you focus on to promote social change? You are going to create a two minute Public Service Announcement to share with the class." The goal of this assessment is to see which topic is chosen as most important to create a public service announcement. Students were required to choose one topic; some chose more than one to discuss.