Modern Languages

Inspired by Proust: A Multi-Sensory Approach to Memorizing Principle Verb Parts in ESL

Submitted by Diane Stonebrink on

Drawing inspiration from French philospher Marcel Proust, who wrote of the connection between involuntary memories & physical stimuli (e.g. smell),  students were given 10 study cards which were color, flavor, & scent-coordinated to facilitate memorization of English principle verb parts (simple, simple past, & past participle forms) in an ESL030 Grammar III course.

eBook registration & course LMS: in-class demonstration vs. online tutorial

Submitted by Cecilia Rosales on

This is the questions I wanted to answer:

Should I spend the first day of classes demonstrating how to register for the eBook and how to navigate McGraw Hill Connect- a robust LMS- or should students watch the videos at home?

In my SPA101 hybrid class, in addition to Canvas, we use an eBook and Mc Graw Hill's Connect

Last semester, students watched video tutorials to register for the eBook.

During the second week, some students complained the LMS was too complicated and, as a result, they had missed assignments. What could I do?

Formative assessment & adaptive teaching with Kahoot!

Submitted by Cecilia Rosales on

Intervention background:

In my TTH hybrid class, students complete assignments every MWF. Some assignments include grammar video tutorials and questions based on the videos.  

In-class group work and HW scores told me students had mastered the use of double object pronouns.  However, students performed poorly (79.8% average) on the timed chapter exam (50 seconds per question).

Using the Online writing center for better results on essays in Reading

Submitted by Steven Peist on

Since Spring 2013, I have required students to submit their drafts to the Online writng center for feedback.  Over the past several semesters, I have seen their average scores go from 43 out of 60 on increase to 52 out of 60 on the short essay and from 62 out of 80 on the long essay to 70 out of 80 on the long essay.  I have made some revisions using submission links to canvas and hope to close the loop at the end of the semester for RDG 095, RDG 091, CRE 101 and RDG 081.

Unit 5 ASL Practice: Asking If Done

Submitted by display_name_fallback on

As shown in the video, I am signing what chores my wife and I have been doing every week and every month.  Then, I sign an example that students are supposed to follow.  Then I asked five questions if they have done these chores.  Students are expected to copy my questions first and then answer these in complete sentences.  Students must demonstrate the "role-shifting" and "contrastive structure"  There is a rubric based on the MCCCD general goals for SLG101.

Unit 3 ASL Practice: Places You Have Gone To

Submitted by display_name_fallback on

After learning some foundation of American Sign Language, students are expected to sign a short story.  On my video, I signed about three places I have gone to in the past, whom I went to, and what we did at these places.  Then I asked students to tell me the three places they have gone to, with whom, and what did they do.  There is no caption or translation on the video, and students are expected to understand what I am signing about.

Make Them Think It Was Their Idea: Using A Student-Generated Rubric To Increase Oral/PowerPoint Presentation Scores

Submitted by Heather Muns on

In my 16 week RDG 091 course, prior to the first group presentation, I spend one or two classes teaching students the oral and format expectations of an oral PowerPoint presentation.  In Fall, 2013, I taught an 8 week version of the RDG 091 course and found that there was limited time to extensively teach these skills prior to their first oral presentation.  I provided them the rubric ahead of time and covered the information as best I could with the time I had.  However, I was very disappointed in the results.

Dictation- Reflection

Submitted by Cecilia Rosales on

5 -7 minutes

Maria Cecilia Rosales

I use what I call Dictation- Reflection to assess gramatical concepts, listening comprehension and writing skills.

I dictate ten conjugated verb forms from the active vocabulary list for the chapter in question (bailamos, trabajan, etc). Students are asked to:

1-      Write down the conjugated verb form I dictate (bailamos)

2-      Identify the infinitive form of that verb (bailar)

Final Portfolio

Submitted by Steven Peist on

This is a final assessment of RDG 081, 091 and CRE 101.  The common elements included are a short essay (3-5 pages), long essay (5-7 pages), discussion board postings responding to the readings, letter to the reader, and self-assessment.  Other artifacts such as power points, prezis, games based on the books, are included with a rationale and rubric for inclusion.