
SEM "seemed" OK

Submitted by Patricia Cardenas-Adame on

EMCC's Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) plan has been part of the Strategic Planning process for at least 7 years. The SEM plan is one of four institutional plans that provide specific strategies for the college to consider when implementing strategic planning priorities.  In the early years, SEM was lead by the Student Affairs Vice President.

Student Journaling in Math

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

For many years now, physics/chemistry faculty require students to journal after each class period (note: there are other faculty on campus who have been journaling for years, as well).  In Fall 2017, a few non-phy/chem faculty incorporated journaling in their classrooms for the first time.  In Spring 2018, during week of accountability, approximately 15 instructors met and discussed best practices in journaling.

Utilizing Canvas Outside of the Classroom

Submitted by Jake Ormond on

Participants registered and attended the face-to-face workshop that was presented using Canvas. Individuals registered for the course using a provided link. Participants completed a pre-assessment to measure their understanding of utilizing Canvas outside of the classroom according to the learning objectives. After the pre-assessment the workshop included topics on the purposes of using a LMS (according to eLearning Industry), connecting benefits of a LMS to out-of-class activities, and discussing how EMCC can move forward with these ideas in mind.

Summer Success Institute - Round 1

Submitted by Melinda Sanchez on

Student Life (Herschel Jackson) created the Summer Success Institute (SSI) and collaborated with Student Success Programs/NSO (Daniel Meador & MElinda Sanchez) to provide intense workshops to prepare first semester students for Fall 2016.  The SSI provided first year students with a jumpstart to their college success through the energizing and dynamic experiences. Students learned how to navigate successfully the college environment. The institute consisted of four 3- hour workshops during the month of July.

Learning Inquiry Grant: Who stays, who doesn't and why?: A survival analysis of BSCS students in non-prerequisite required courses.

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

Abstract:  Research has demonstrated that a significant proportion of community college students will not persist to degree completion. Online students may be particularly at-risk. Self-efficacy, perceived value of the curriculum, and certain demographic variables have been identified as important in both retention and persistence. We will measure these variables four times during a semester in a series of online college classes.

General Education Ability: Communication, Fall 2016

Submitted by Peter Turner on

In Fall 2016 SAAC conducted its assessment in Communication, one of 7 general education abilities at EMCC. Data was collected from 57 sections with 1303 students in 2016, compared to 32 sections and 512 students in 2013. The areas assessed in Comm were Physical Delivery (Eye Contact, Facial Expressions, Gestures, Posture, Movement, Audio/Visuals and Preparation) and Vocal Delivery (Language, Pace, Pitch, Articulation, and Pronounciation). See attached Ppt.  Results showed the strongest area to be Vocal Delivery, with an average score of 3.16 out of 4.