
Creating Campus Clients to "Make It Real"

Submitted by James Heinrich on

Applying course content to real world experience so students understand why they are learning an applicable skill. Although using desktop publishing programs such as Adobe InDesign is a critical skill expected in many graphic design occupations, few students understand what desktop publishing is or how important it is. I wanted my EMCC students to experience the "scratch and sniff" effects of producing and publishing print products. So, when I first taught Adobe InDesign in Fall 2016, I arranged for my students to create print products for the Career and Transfer Center.

Multiple Intelligences

Submitted by Roxan Arntson on

Multiple Intelligences is a theory that students have "intelligence" in a variety of fields (artistic, mathmatic, kinestetic, verbal, etc). By allowing students to use their strengths applied in to context of the discipline (in my case Communication), students can hopefully feel more confident in their abilities and engage better with the content. This could be aplied to practically any project in any discipline.

What about my goals? Using an individualized course evaluation to assess meta-goals.

Submitted by Christina Van on

When teaching Abnormal Psychology I have a number of student outcomes beyond course competencies:  Critical thinking about mental health and mental illness, paradigm shifting, and reducing or eliminating mental health stigma.  I use an extremely high contact and time intensive teaching style in this online class to attempt to achieve these outcomes.

Using failure to learn

Submitted by Christina Van on

I planned an intervention to increase retention of online introductory students by making telephone contact with them early in the semester. The intervention did not go as planned as it was far more time-consuming than expected and I was unable to leave voicemail messages for a variety of reasons on a number of student provided cell phones.  Students were aware of this planned intervention and have provided information to me during the first week of class about how to contact them and best times.

College Success Week - Roary's Amazing Race!

Submitted by Catrina Kranich on

College Success Week events aim to connect students with members of the College Community to build connections vital to their success. Roary’s Amazing Race was developed this year as a way to re-envision how information about campus resources is provided to students more effectively for campus resource staff and more engaging for students. As students traveled the pathway to earning their free t-shirt, they were given information by each pit stop on upcoming campus events that may interest them (i.e. upcoming shows at the PAC).

Substantive Program Reviews

Submitted by James Waugh on

Program review is a mission-critical strategic planning process and is one critical element of accreditation.  In past years, some departments chose not to complete a program review, while others only did the bare minimum.  Some did stellar work.  Part of the completion problem was length, along with question redundency, and a lack of accountability for its completion.  This year the program review process was redesigned to foster collaboration and accountability between writers and reviewers (Deans/VPs) and to reinforce the application of strategic data for the program.

"Becoming Your Best You" Workshop Assessment

Submitted by Erik Huntsinger on

Many people struggle balancing the multiple committments and priorities they have in their professional and personal lives.  I developed this workshop as a framework to help individuals, no matter their background or goals, consider who they want to be in life (their roles/core values), create a four or six month strategic plan to determine big goals aligned with those roles/core values, and how to make progress towards those goals on a weekly and even daily basis.  After running the workshop in September, I noticed that most participants were able to articulate what the four step

Multiple choice or written, does it matter?

Submitted by Sonya Zetlan on

46 students took an exam with 50% multiple choice and 50% written. A  t test showed no significant different between the grades from the 2 question types. Linear regression analysis showed an R squared value of .6.  A student getting -8 on the MC, was likely to get close to a -8 on the written.  This suggests to me that test preparation is more important than the type of question asked, but written portions will encourage additional development of writing skills. 

To intrude or not to intrude; Persistence is the question?

Submitted by Juan Medrano on

Intrusive advising services were provided to 33 sections of developmental courses reaching a total of 767 students.  Persistence outcomes were the variable of interest to determine impact of this practice.  Findings suggest that intrusive advising support higher levels of Fall to Spring student persistence, in particular during priority registration.

Effect of adding study session during class time

Submitted by Sonya Zetlan on

Students do poorly on exam 1. Students participated in a study activity during one class period one week before exam 1. The activity emphasized novel presentation of material (puzzle), repetition, additional study time, interaction with other students and the instructor.  The material studied accounted for about 50% of the first exam. Averages of the exam 1 did not differ from averages of 7 previous classes, but grades of A and B almost doubled in the activity group.

Well That Didn't Work

Submitted by Bronwen Steele on

Students in microbiology struggle with osmosis - the movement of water in and out of cells according to solute content of the environment. This is covered in the pre-req course (BIO 156 or 181). Bio fac have articulated these concepts across the courses. Unfortunately for the last couple of years students were directed to skip the pre-req since HS bio counts. Usually osmosis is taught by introducing terms first then numbers (the conceptual piece) to describe the relative differences in solute concentrations  internal and external to cells.

3rd Times a Charm – MAT231/PHY131 LC Qualitative Review

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

The purpose of this CATS is to document a qualitative review on my experience in the 2nd semester calculus/physics learning community (MAT231/PHY131).   Second semester physics covers charges, electric and magnetic fields, circuits, current (etc), and these concepts have been quite difficult for me to grasp and tie into calculus without Dwain’s help.  The attached narrative provides my previous experiences, current experience, and plan for the future .   

Can I See Your ID? Using ID Scanning Technologies to Improve Student Tracking Methods

Submitted by Jake Ormond on

Recording attendance at campus events continues to be a campus-wide challenge as paper sign-ins are not an efficient way to sign students in to events and programs. Employees spend a great deal of time manually integrating the student data into other on-line systems. Students’ handwriting can also be unreadable at times resulting in inaccurate data to track students longitudinally and be able to measure the impact of campus events on student persistence, retention, and completion.