Writing Focused

Create!: Journaling the Creative Process

Submitted by Rodney Freeman on

A key to fully appreciate art is understanding the creative journey and the underlying creative critical thinking which leads to the “message and meaning” of the piece.

Honors students are given the option of completing an individual or small group creative project to fulfill their honors enrichment plan.

Case Study - Improve Quality by Improving the Rubric

Submitted by Clarissa Davis Ragland on

 SBU200 – Society and Business is being taught online for the first time this Spring.  Case study assignment submissions rarely connect the ‘’solution” for the case problem, with the content (concepts, examples, vocabulary) in the chapter in the textbook or other resources provided at the end of the chapter.  Student responses are heavily weighted with opinion, even though a rubric is provided and used to provide consistent feedback.                       

It's all about that Book, 'bout that Book...

Submitted by Roselyn Turner on

In Fall 2014 I re-designed my COM225 Public Speaking course into a 5-week "Fast Track to Completion" format.  When I recalled having taught Summer sessions (which are also 5 weeks in duration), I remembered that students had difficulty completing the reading assignments from the established textbook--it was quite lengthy (and expensive).  But, I wanted to see if taking the course during the regular semester might make a difference in student engagement with the textbook.  Dismal results. Only about 75% of the students were reading and comple

Using a How To Screencast to find Peer Reviewed Articles

Submitted by Shannon Manuelito on

My BIO 160 students often have difficulty identifying and locating peer reviewed resources for a disease research paper. I have worked with the EMCC librarians to show students databases, citation tools, and a discussion of peer revied versus popular articles. At this time the students used the library website and found two potential resources. To improve this process, Jennifer Wong has created a screencast that shows how to use the library website to locate resources.

Bringing Labs into Differential Equations

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

The goal of these assessments was to engage students in hands on experiments similiar to a science lab.   Students always ask why differential equations is so important in STEM fields.  So, two labs were done in my differential equations class.  One was using thermometers and checking their accuracy (how long does it take for the thermometer to get back to body temperature after drinking cold water, doing jumping jacks, and chewing gum (placebo)).  The 2nd one was to verify that a mass spring system follows a 2nd order differential equation.

Preview Your Course

Submitted by Michael Boring on

This assessment is intended as an alternative to the syllabus quiz. It is primarily for use in online and hybrid courses, but could be used in face-to-face classes that utilize Canvas. Students are required to preview each module of the course in the first week of classes. Students open each module and preview each assignment, activity and due dates within each assignment. Students then write a summary of what is required for each module. This gives students a clear picture of what will be required of them throughout the semester and first hand experience negotiating Canvas.

Using the Online writing center for better results on essays in Reading

Submitted by Steven Peist on

Since Spring 2013, I have required students to submit their drafts to the Online writng center for feedback.  Over the past several semesters, I have seen their average scores go from 43 out of 60 on increase to 52 out of 60 on the short essay and from 62 out of 80 on the long essay to 70 out of 80 on the long essay.  I have made some revisions using submission links to canvas and hope to close the loop at the end of the semester for RDG 095, RDG 091, CRE 101 and RDG 081.

Addressing Discussion Posting Procrastination

Submitted by Peter Turner on

Discussions are a prime way to enrich online and hybrid classes as well as engage students. In my spring 2014 classes, many of my students waited until the last 24 hours to post their initial answer to the Discussion prompt. This procrastination averaged 75% of the students. Since I require of my students a three response minimum to other students’ posts, there was often not enough time for meaningful exchanges. Despite my urgings, this procrastination continued.

Ongoing and Varied Assessments to Promote Critical Thinking

Submitted by Rachel Holmes on

In my EDU222 class, we are analyzing Special Education models.   Last term I presented on three models, set up in-class discussions, and had students write a research-based essay analyzing the 3.  This semester, I modified the cycle to include a  variety of formative assessments and ended with an in-class debate and essay. Students were much more analytical in their approach and were much better able to form their own conclusions as to what Special Education Model is most effective and why.

Lights, Camera, Action: Did They Really Get It in Sociology Through Film?

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

Sociology Through Film was piloted in Spring 2015 and then taught again in Spring 2016. Each week there are three assignments to sociologically analyze a film (see attached sample). The last assignment during finals week is to sociologically analyze a Disney children's movie by focusing on the 16 weeks of sociological analysis of film. This last assignment assesses whether the students understand the social issues, in addition to applying them to social change.

How will this SOC course impact me after 16 weeks? Thinking about Gen Ed connections in the clasroom

Submitted by Olga Tsoudis on

After attending a Gen Ed presentation by Erin Blomstrand, I created a finals week assignment on the connection of course material in SOC 212(Gender & Society) to lives outside of Sociology. The assignment was: "How will each of the following topics impact you once you leave this course? Think about your future and the people around you. Are you concerned on how the gender issues will impact you personally and/or others?" Students participated in Spring 2014. Based on results, I created a plan to improve.

Teaching Online Etiquette & Avoiding Plagiarism Using Role Play

Submitted by Kelly Loucy on

After a student plagiarized a“how to paraphrase” assignment, I was dismayed with student correspondence that I received due its tone and the student’s continued misunderstanding of why it was plagiarism. Because students often avoid paraphrasing, and instead choose to repeatedly use direct quotations, I created a student-instructor role play assignment for ENG 102. See attached assignment for details.

Bringing Science into Beginning Algebra

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

Science faculty are constantly hearing from their students, "This isn't math! I didn't learn this in my math class". Many students are not able to transfer what they learned in math into their science courses.  Most of the concepts in MAT091 are crucial to success in science.  Throughout the semester, I met with 6 science faculty to discuss HOW students see these topics in science classes.

Compositional Analysis

Submitted by Jimmy Fike on

As a way of studying design principles related to composition I have my students complete an exercise that evaluates the compositional strategy employed in a great work of painting from art history.  The students create two diagrams that chart the way the artist uses design principles like scale, line, color, rhythm, unity, emphasis and balance to control the way the eye moves, additionally they map they way the artist uses value (light and dark) to create emphasis and illusions of depth.

Removing the Fear and Creating Meaningful Participation in Online Peer Review

Submitted by Kelly Loucy on

In the online ENG 081 Basic Writing Skills, students participate in peer review.  However, in my first attempt, I found that students purposely skipped the assignment, even stating that they were skipping because they were "too nervous," or "didn't trust what their classmates would say and just wanted my feedback instead." In Spring 2014, my goal was to increase participation and to help students to have a positive experience. I added two discussion board posts.