The Revitalization of Service Learning at EMCC

Submitted by Rachel Holmes on

 In 2015/16 EMCC hired a staff member and faculty member to create and manage the Service Learning program. Beginning in 2015/16 there were new initiatives to promote SL on campus: workshops, multiple presentations (i.e.Day-of-Learning), in-class presentations and one-on-one faculty meetings in order to increase faculty and student participation. The number of faculty participating in SL, the number of students and hours completed in SL would be compared between 2014/15 and 2015/16 to demonstrate growth in the program. Learning Outcome-Compare data gathered from faculty and students in 2014/15 and 2015/16 to measure  increase in the # of faculty and students participating in SL and hours completed. Closing the loop- Determine if marketing/education on SL was effective in increasing SL at EMCC. Results:  2014/15 - 21 instructors, 14,633 hours  and   2015/16  25 instructors, 754 students, 20,003 hours resulting in a 37% increase in hours and the equivalent of $467,270 Value of Volunteer Time

Completed Full Cycle
Course Number
Average: 4.8 (5 votes)


Olga Tsoudis Tue, 08/23/2016 - 9:41pm

Rachel, Congratulations on the hard work to revive Service Learning on our campus. You provide all of the attachments needed for a successful program. Thanks for creating a CATS on the analysis and success! Thanks! Olga

Peter Turner Thu, 08/25/2016 - 11:33am

Very impressive efforts, Rachel!  Landis and you have surely taken Service Learning to new heights. My only suggestion is that you add Landis to your contributors!

Becky Baranowski Thu, 08/25/2016 - 12:13pm

I am so excited to see other areas, not just faculty, using CATS.  Student Affairs is stepping up and participating, so thank you!  These results are wonderful.  It just goes to show that if we invest money in someone to help with a project, that project will have better results than just letting people volunteer to do something.  We need guidance and leadership to help us.  Thanks for sharing the results with us.  

Roselyn Turner Wed, 08/31/2016 - 4:09pm

Congrats on programmatic success!  I would like to see Service Learning faculty assessing student learning before they engaged students in Service Learning and contrasting with student learning after Service Learning experiences.  In other words, did their Service Learning engagement improve their learning in the discipline (which is the goal of Service Learning, and which the literature supports)?  It would be great to see some CATS documenting this!

Jill Santy Thu, 09/22/2016 - 3:56pm

Congrats on such a thorough overview of how you two have implemented and built SL (and CE) here at EMCC over the past year.  Because of your efforts and enthusiasm, with the coordination of Jason Martinez, Counseling Chair, I am piloting SL in three CPD 150 classes.  It seems to be a natural tie-in to the curriculum we utilize in CPD.  So thanks to you both, I have 95 students involved in 20 hours each of service learning at more than 38 different agencies across the valley this semester!  Watch for my CATS in December to show the results of integrating this experience directly into our curriculum!