

Submitted by Jennifer Elliott on

To cover textbook material, I assign the students sections to present. In Cultural Anthropology classes, this is assigned by Cultural Area. I allow students to choose a partner to present with and provide them a list of possible topics. They are to sign up on a first-come, first-serve basis. The requirements are that the presentations cover the textbook material, as well as include at least one outside source. The presentations should be about 10 minutes, for about 2 minutes for questions, etc. They include slides, pictures, and video.

Student-Created Assessments

Submitted by Rachel Holmes on

Students should be working, thinking, analyzing, creating, etc. throughout the day and guiding a large part of their own learning. Having students create their own assessments ensures that they are held accountable to actively listen during class and that they are thinking at a higher level about what they've learned.

Ongoing and Varied Assessments to Promote Critical Thinking

Submitted by Rachel Holmes on

In my EDU222 class, we are analyzing Special Education models.   Last term I presented on three models, set up in-class discussions, and had students write a research-based essay analyzing the 3.  This semester, I modified the cycle to include a  variety of formative assessments and ended with an in-class debate and essay. Students were much more analytical in their approach and were much better able to form their own conclusions as to what Special Education Model is most effective and why.

But I’m too young!! “A case study of ovarian cancer”

Submitted by Anil Kapoor on

This clicker case study will be designed to use existing knowledge gained from class helping make connections between what they might consider separate concepts (chemistry, mitosis, genetics and cancer). This case study will allow student to plan and diagnose, treatment plan, analyze the results of the treatment plan and evaluate if this treatment plan would be ideal for this particular patient.

What I will assess: I will be assessing the comprehension of material to answer multiple choice questions assessing their knowledge of

Saving Time and Increasing Production Using the Online Discussion Forum

Submitted by Rachel Holmes on

In my hybrid course, more time  is needed to ensure that students have time to practive oral presentations, to receive peer feedback, and to get peer reviews on written asssignments.  Initially, I would explain the assignment in-class and students would submit it online.  If we had time, we would share briefly (2-3 minutes per student).  The results were rushed work with only average results. 

Make Them Think It Was Their Idea: Using A Student-Generated Rubric To Increase Oral/PowerPoint Presentation Scores

Submitted by Heather Muns on

In my 16 week RDG 091 course, prior to the first group presentation, I spend one or two classes teaching students the oral and format expectations of an oral PowerPoint presentation.  In Fall, 2013, I taught an 8 week version of the RDG 091 course and found that there was limited time to extensively teach these skills prior to their first oral presentation.  I provided them the rubric ahead of time and covered the information as best I could with the time I had.  However, I was very disappointed in the results.

Learning Team Assessment Activties

Submitted by Tra Ahia on

To assess students understanding of major theories and content elements I have students present concepts with teammates, or Iearning teams . Students work with a team of 3 to 4 students and present once a week on a topic covered in the chapter we are discussing for that week.

I find that it keeps students connected, helps them manage nervousness they may experience when speaking in front of large groups. They have to check audience understanding by creating a way to involve all classmates.

Final Exam Performance

Submitted by Sydney Neely on

This assignment is for the online version of STO/HUM292 that has not been launched yet.

This is a performance-based class, so students are required to perform a story for their final exam. Students will record themsevles and then upload for grading. There is a set rubric students are to follow in order to demonstrate effective storytelling techniques and best practices. 

Engagement in Calculus I

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

Since Fall 2003, a textbook was used in MAT220 (caculus I).  For the last 4 years, handouts were created to supplement the textbook.  This semester, students use only a workbook that I created.  The purpose of this assessment is to document my observations in the level of engagement of students from using textbook only, slowly incorporating worksheets, to full implementation of a workbook.   Most math textbooks are not designed to engage students, thus it was difficult to do so.

Modeling Elements of Communication Online

Submitted by Cheri Hebert on

One learning objective for Com 100 is to have students explain the essential elements of communication using representative communication models. In a F2F setting this can be demonstrated easily by putting the essential elements of a model on the whiteboard and  having students stand by the elements such as the “sender” and “receiver” element. They next model the  elements in an interactive process.  This semester, I assigned students the same assignment,  to diagram a recent conversation they had using a model of communication.


Submitted by Mark Matthews on

In my Intro to Human Com classes, students respond well to the "small-talks" that I assign throughout the course. These talks are 1-2 minute informal speeches that students deliver in front of the class. Explaining their personality test results, reporting on their cultural visits, and relating active listening scenarios are a few examples of the small-talk assignments.

Improve Research and Citation Skills Through Librarian Consultation

Submitted by Peter Turner on

The first project in my EDU classes each semester is a student investigation into a hot topic in the education field. Students must submit a Ppt and then present on the topic, using the Ppt as their audio-visual aide. Their grade is a combination of assessing their presentation and their hard-copy Ppts. To grade their hard copies, I use a Ppt Rubric (see attachmed). Historically the lowest score on the rubric has been "References" where they must accurately cite at least two credible references. The average score on this has been 2.0 out of 5 points.