
The Revitalization of Service Learning at EMCC

Submitted by Rachel Holmes on

 In 2015/16 EMCC hired a staff member and faculty member to create and manage the Service Learning program. Beginning in 2015/16 there were new initiatives to promote SL on campus: workshops, multiple presentations (i.e.Day-of-Learning), in-class presentations and one-on-one faculty meetings in order to increase faculty and student participation.

Screening and Assessment in Early Childhood Education

Submitted by Lisa Buccigrosse on

In EED 280 - Standards, Observation, and Assessment of Typical/Atypical Behaviors of Young Children Birth to Age Eight, in Module 5 of the course, students create and present a 5-8 slide PowerPoint presentation based on their analysis of the Module's readings which include articles and other texts.

Six Years of Data is In! I love my Calculus/Physics Learning Community.

Submitted by Becky Baranowski on

Learning Community (LC) faculty have been saying for 6 years that the main focus on the LC is to help students in future STEM courses.  Majoring in a STEM field is difficult; math is a barrier for most students.  Approximately 20% of community college students start as a STEM major with 69% of them changing it to non-STEM.  The LC course is designed to help students be successful STEM students and truly understand how math and physics are intertwined.  So, student grades were analyzed from fall 2010 - spring 2016.  Students that went through the LC vs.

Improve SCGR "Final Exam" Visual Aids

Submitted by Roselyn Turner on

In 2012 Service Learners in COM100 Honors Cohort prepared and presented Informative Speeches based upon their project and a related Social, Civil, or Global (SCGR) issue. As reported on my CATS submission, only 50% of the students included the issue aspects on the visual aid. In Fall 2015 regular COM100 students (not Honors or Service Learners), were given the opportunity to select a SCGR issue to research and present to class as their "Final Exam" Informative Speech.

Physics Final Presentation in Cooperation with the Writing Center

Submitted by Angela McClure on

Since 2013, students in my Phy 101 have been creating video presentations relating physics concepts to real life situations. For several semesters I have had Kelly Loucy visit my classes and discuss citing sources and plagiarism. As a part of the final presentation score, students must submit a work cited page but they must have verification that their work cited page has been checked by the EMCC Writing Center. After many semesters of doing this I have found about 90% of the students submit a correct work cited page.

The Impact of Peer Mentors in Developmental Reading

Submitted by Steven Peist on

For over three years, I have collaborated with peer mentors from the peer mentoring program in my developmental reading classes including rdg 081, 091, 095, and CRE 101 when the group looped up from RDG 091.  There has been a dramatic increase in student retention, course completion and completion of the next round of courses at the 100 level and above as compared to those sections without a peer mentor.  

Using Structured Learning Plans to Promote Active Learning in OER courses

Submitted by Susan Malmo on

I'm very sold on the idea of using OERs (Open Educational Resources) -- they save students money, and they allow all students to have immediate access to course materials.  The downside is that some students seem less engaged with these types of course materials; I think this is because they have been conditioned to the ideas of a textbook.

Improvement in the classroom learning through voice threads and classroom activities (Nursing 152)

Submitted by Romanie Brooks-Dillon on

This assessment is to help with the concerns of the students overall learning objectives, test scores, application in the nursing clinical setting, and critical thinking knowledge. We attacked the problem by doing a classroom assessment of all 29 students. The outcome of the assessment showed that learning and testing was on a roller coaster ride. So we became innovated and created voice threads with power points to be done at home, and the classroom became the s environment for active learning.

Improving Portfolio Submissions

Submitted by Steven Griffiths on

Culinary students are required to create a marketable portfolio for a catering business while enrolled in CUL213 Buffet Catering.  Students use buffet items from private and public luncheons in Regions Restaurant to build content for the portfolio.  Students are challenged by the provision of details, professional appearance, and organization of a portfolio that can be potentially used for sales and marketing in a catering operation due to lack of overall experience in industry.  In past semesters, students submitted their portfolios at the end of the course, with many misund

Create!: Journaling the Creative Process

Submitted by Rodney Freeman on

A key to fully appreciate art is understanding the creative journey and the underlying creative critical thinking which leads to the “message and meaning” of the piece.

Honors students are given the option of completing an individual or small group creative project to fulfill their honors enrichment plan.

Team Collaboration in Discussion Boards

Submitted by Frederick Lee on

This is an online course with an emphasis on learning the principles of supervisory management in an organizational setting. The method of instruction and level of learning will be measured by the quality of the student’s responses on the Discussion Boards and their application of the principles of management. 

eBook registration & course LMS: in-class demonstration vs. online tutorial

Submitted by Cecilia Rosales on

This is the questions I wanted to answer:

Should I spend the first day of classes demonstrating how to register for the eBook and how to navigate McGraw Hill Connect- a robust LMS- or should students watch the videos at home?

In my SPA101 hybrid class, in addition to Canvas, we use an eBook and Mc Graw Hill's Connect

Last semester, students watched video tutorials to register for the eBook.

During the second week, some students complained the LMS was too complicated and, as a result, they had missed assignments. What could I do?

Democratic Decision Making in an Online/Hybrid Environment

Submitted by Michael Boring on

This assessment modifies the Democratic Decision Making assessment I developed a few years ago. It makes use of discussion boards and surveys to allow students in online and hybrid classes to participate in a democratic process to decide what topics they will study and present.

I use the dicussion feature on Canvas to guide class discussion of which topic (among choices decided upon by the instructor) they would like to study in more depth and present to the class.